Tired of Fire-based bosses

So did Raz. All proto-drakes do. Except for Iridikron for some reason. Although he does have a chest that appears as though it exploded, which I can only assume is related to the lack of arms. I always found it an interesting detail in his design and kind of hope they never explain. Just leaves it as a neat little thing to speculate on. Like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.

How about this?

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Nah, far too human. I love how weird and alien the incarnates’ visage forms look. Like they were in no way trying to ease their interactions with mortals. Unlike the aspects and their ilk. Vyranoth is actually kind of weird in that way compared to her brothers for just how close to human she looks. But I assume that was because Blizz didn’t want her to look quite so much like an unfeeling monster once she became an aspect. For Raszageth though, with her particularly funky looking dragon head, I’d expect something thoroughly weird for her visage.

I’ll probably get a wave of disapproval for this but I kind of miss resist gear playing a common and essential part of dungeons and or raids. As one would say “back in the day”

One she is an aspect? and Two, she is known as "The Frozen Heart, can’t get much more “Unfeeling” then heartless.

Yeah, she got empowered along with the other five.

That’s not a spoiler now, right? Like, it’s been known for a couple of months now.

Good point. But I guess being heartless is fine as long as she has an expressive face.

Uh not sure if that is a spoiler? I came back right around the time the dream went live, so i guess i missed the quest for it. I left before Forbidden Isle came out and was gone until after the Caverns was done, I did however play the part where she went to see the queen when her and fraykk was still buddy buddy until he corrupted the guardian, Maybe it was in a cut scene?

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Oh bugger… well spoiler alert. Sorry about that.

It’s the ending to Amirdrassil cut scenes.

Oh, i skipped that one XD.

It’s fine i skip the cut scenes, so thanks for telling me about it, i would never have known.

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So, we have…
Shadow/void bosses “Whisper whisper you gonna go crazy”
Fleshy meat-bosses “Extra eyes, tentacles, and mouths for everyone!”
Windy bosses “See, Al’akir”
Nature bosses “Mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom”
Fel/Chaos bosses “YUH NOT PREPURRED”
Water bosses “Let’s forget Immerseus existed please”
Non-magic beast bosses “It’s a dinosaur. BUT BIGGER!”
Tree bosses “Yep. It’s wood.”

Fire bosses are simple to understand because the one rule of gaming is that Fire is, indeed, still hot.

I’ll take fire over void. Purple on purple got old real fast.

By your powers combined….

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Feel the strength of the earth.

I always preferred:
“You are but a pebble amongst boulders! I am a rockslide!”

attempts to light match

Come on… come on…

Oh I see you found the other things I set on fire.

It’s okay while you were distracted i set your tail on fire :rofl: Now you get to change your name to Toastybutt.

glares at my flaming tail and fluffs it, putting it out

I treated it with stuff to make it flame proof.

Fire Walk With Me.