Tired of being Ignored?

Go outside the forums then.

Yes, they love to keep the forums stirred up, so all the arguing over AV/PvP will continue, and will also continue to be ignored. If however, you want to do more than argue/vent, it’s time to go outside these forums, away from this depository (garbage can) for customer concerns.

Go on Reddit. Go to all your favorite fan sites.

We can also start making reviews, anyplace that accepts them or sells actiblizzion products. Can start with Amazon, as any verified purchaser of game or game time there.

We can also reach out to people to write about games. For example, Heather Newman who covers actiblizzion for Forbes. Here’s her twitter:


Also, feedback/reviews:

Please add more resources as they come to mind, IF you want to stop being ignored about the terrible state of the product you are paying for, Alliance players (Horde will follow when their queue times reach 3-4 + hours cuz we’ve all stopped queuing or even playing at all).


Except no matter where you go it’s a major minority, while hundreds of thousands of people are enjoying the game. Like anything else, people typically only post to complain and the majority, satisfied customers, are using and enjoying the product. So have fun my man, but you will continue to be ignored.


Because they’re Horde lol. When you have no one left to play with, you’ll get it.


Besides, it’s no bigger waste of time than trying to play AV right now, so w/e.

Hey, you do you man, I’m just bored at work and posted that’s the reality of the situation. It’s like any product or service out there. There’s a small minority who hate it and vocalize their hate for it, and the major majority is playing, satisfied. Otherwise these “issues” would be addressed.

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Sure, it’s easy to write off that way, but I don’t hate it. I’ve waited years for it. I just hate the broken parts and want them addressed.

What a load of BS lol. I’m 99% sure this is a troll post but even if it isn’t this is some wishful thinking on this guys part.

This issue is affecting more people then you realize. Classic doesn’t have much content, AV is like 25% of what you do at level 60. This issue like others before it deserves to be addressed and has the attention needed. Go away and say something productive somewhere lol


Nope. Try again. Just because you and a few thousand people are unhappy, doesn’t mean the hundreds of thousands in game playing and enjoying it are. You just don’t understand how things actually work. You see a bunch of children crying on the forums and act like that’s everyone. It’s not. Your favorite parts of vanilla aren’t what is implemented, and so you’re crying.

AV may be 25% of what you do, but you’re not everyone.

Honestly, you’ve said literally nothing of value. So, the same could be said to you.


Minority moves mountains today. See “Blizzard Removing Overwatch Butt Pose After Fan Complaint” for the ridiculous ways it comes about. Also see twitter for a drop in the bucket population literally costing people jobs irl over anything and everything.



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I mean there’s a huge difference between sexualizing something like that and 1.5 vs 1.12 AV or whatever the flavor of the day complaint is. But whatever you wanna tell yourself to keep on whining - it’s an internet forum, no one’s stopping you from doing it.

Any business will terminate their relationship with any employee that does anything which could be seen as unsavory or “un-PC” these days, even if reported by one person, without evidence. Heck, they fire people for sending an unprofessional email. That, again, does not compare to gameplay issues for a major corporation. In fact, major corporations will do whatever necessary to make the most money. If they appease the minority of whiners, there’s a chance they could lose more casual money than if the whiners quit. And we all know the majority of the whiners aren’t quitting because they’re addicted to the game, regardless of the state it’s in.

That’s not saying a minority of people have not ever brought about change, but when the company is raking in $$$$ even from these people who are complaining all day long, you’re not going to see it.

TLDR you’re comparing apples to oranges.

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I think you’re missing the over-arching point, but that’s okay. And I “whine” about nothing except bots. Too annoying.

The very tone of your post though says a lot. Classifying literally everything as “whining” is too easy-mode.

Ahhh, I see you got it in an edit. :laughing:

Yes, I realize I come across aggressively sometimes, and I wanted to make sure you knew I understood what you’re talking about.

I agree.

I’m a “meme spec” Alliance player, and I’m having a blast! Classic is the best thing to happen to World of Warcraft since Wrath of the Lich King.

And by meme spec, I have a feral druid, a ret paladin and I’m currently leveling an arms warrior. If I roll horde, I’ll probably level an enhancement shaman, another feral druid and maybe a demo/affliction warlock. For what it’s worth, I never plan to be a hardcore raider, and don’t intend to parse. I’m mostly in for PvP, and I enjoy the play style these classes/specs offer.

I’m glad for you. Enjoy.

Has nothing to do with Horde having a nearly 100% (broken) win rate in AV.

Weren’t you implying that only Horde are enjoying the game because of their win-rate?

My point was that I’m an Alliance who’s enjoying the game regardless of the win rate.

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No alliance players do.

But the reality is that the current crop of Alliance BG AV players are just not very good and are better at complaining, than playing.

Nah, a blue admitted it some time ago. IIRC it was Bashiok…

Yes, we know. Horde are just such PvP greats that they’re entitled to a 100% win rate. What’s that? you’re not winning 100% in WSG? How could that be?

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No clue. Don’t care.

AV is still broken, and anyone tired of being ignored about it should do something about it.

I’ve seen literally one Horde player that is intellectually honest enough to admit that there is a problem:

Hoping some others get hold of themselves soon, so it can be a better game for everyone.

You 100% in WSG yet?

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25%?!?!?!!?!?!? No wonder you also believe that

You must be fresh outta retail

Edit: System said the post that I quoted was automatically removed so I deleted mine.