Tips for reaching 1800, Resto Shaman

Id rather stay duelist then buy elite/glad like you did/doing. How’s your buddy Trill doing btw? I see you put a hard stop on the push once people noticed you played with your new buddy?

:scream: . Panda mad cause nobody wants to play 3s with him :frowning:

I can buy friends like you do if I wanted but I’m not a lowlife. Naw, got my duelist already, now just grabbing 1800 mogs. Finished warr today.

Don’t care.

You replied, showing otherwise.

keep buying carries you dork i hit elite any time i stick to this game for a season. not the best not the worst but not buying carries like you

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I’m sure you do lol. Just not this season. Or the previous 5.

(my alt warrior is higher rated btw)

you have 1000 games on every character and you buy rating

yawn get a life

Shuffle elite in only 600 rounds is most impressive. :dracthyr_love_animated:

go duel the highest rated ppl u can find and lose till u can’t die, go watch hydra 5 for healer fundamentals, qbinds should always be easy for ur fingers, like don’t put an instant cast farther than a cast, i use tilde for stopcast faking but just make sure to always be aware of enemy kicks, start to feel the flow of dmg inc while they are bursting and while they aren’t, roots really wreck, purge more, totem control and ull be much on the way to ur 1800.

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At cursor macros for abilities like spirit link,earthen wall, earthgrab, totemic projection, static field ect are the only tips I haven’t seen mentioned ( there’s a lot of other good ones here )

Here’s an example ( I’m sure there’s better versions other people use )

/cast [@cursor] Earthen Wall Totem
/wm [@cursor] 4
/ping [@cursor]

Being vocal with your teamates about using earthen since nobody can see it also helps a lot.

Have fun in your queues.

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Theres the earthen macro, thank you. Can you drop the purge target of target for him?

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He’s also getting a crash course in arena culture

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Make two key kinds for riptide, using two of your top five most trigger happy buttons. Instant hps increase.

Healing surge is kinda underrated. At 1.2 cast time it’s more or less a single global. A shuffle team at 1500 does may 3 interrupts a game. So if you are tanking those pummels. Cast healing surges when your teammates aren’t dying in the next 2-3 global or you have hots on them.

A lot of druids like to cyclone you all game. Keep calm and use the downtime as planning session. Think about what button to press after the break. At quarter dr they are basically cc’ing themselves. If you get bash cycloned in the opener, you can turn this into a win condition with if you have teammates that do damage. Just trinket, grounding and lasso. Since the Druid teammates will have no hots rolling they are ducked

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Also not sure if anyone has mentioned, but Comp can make things a lot smoother. Healing a DH/Warrior/Ret is nicer as Resto vs other types of classes. Find a GOOD dps class/spec that fits your style, and then look for that class/spec in future.

This will help you remember what cooldowns your partner uses, and when and all that fun stuff.

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Resto shammy is a lot of fun and a good spec to climb right now. I found that playing around NS and healing tide is good. Learning how to reset your totems, focus kick and hex helped too.

Best of luck.

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I promise you there is never a world where you’re ever hard casting on shaman if oyu’re playing it right.

Ever. 100%

Come on man. That’s 100% not true.

Sadly thats the biggest piece of advice.

Restro shaman offers the best utility via tremor - hex / lasso - that lightning circle thing.

But at the cost of having to hard cast a lot of heals.

I play holy priest and man its like night and day how i can heal without casting much of anything or casting when i don’t have to worry about being kicked via my big jump or spirit of redem.

I cant play restro shaman at all too hard for me personally to juke casts that good lol

I promise you there is never a world where you’re ever hard casting on shaman if oyu’re playing it right.

Ever. 100%

Posting again to shut this guy down again. You need to hardcast as a shaman, and the reason he’s 1800 stuck is because he doesn’t realize this.

Definitely. 100%