Tip for Horde for shorter AV ques

Here is how the Classic game will play out.

1 - Alliance continues to evolve into a passive group of pve dragon hunters.

2 - Classic Phase 6 will arrive and the Alliance and Horde PVE’rs will burn themselves out slaying dragons.

3 - The PVE players will leave Classic forever.

4 - The fierce Horde will be fewer. We will eventually roll small teams of Alliance toons solely to battle our Horde brothers in BG combat for the sheer glory of it.

The long queues are fine. They just mean Horde is dominating the subservient Alliance. Azeroth is cleansed.

Going solely by this thread, that statement is objectively false.

This would not get me to queue more, I play AV to win and not to kill a few NPCs for honor that doesn’t matter one bit.

People just don’t understand the honor system, if everyone gets more honor from NPC kills then you don’t advance because your ranking is relative to everyone else. AV is literally the worst place to rank because you’re sharing honor with 40 other people.

Except that is irrelevant to CRBG’s, might be one or two guy from my server on my AV.

Thats why you play it smart and farm alliance incursions for full honor on the outskirts.

FYI nothing beats AV + wpvp for hph on horde, well afaik, I did try wsg premades for a few days with about 90% win ratio and it is not worth it atm.

Maybe if you stopped capping our towers we’d leave you alone. It doesn’t bother us one bit if you kill Lts & Coms. But go for towers, or Galv? We absolutely will descend back down the map to clear you out.

Those impact our Honor. You kill Lts & Comms only helps you, and doesn’t hurt us in any way, go for it.

First off, this is alliance. Horde have a completely different situation.

It’s not just that AV, every AV they are doing it. That’s the baseline honor for everyone who plays. If you’re in an AV and they are killing NPCs then you’re not advancing in honor once you’re past the first few ranks, you’re standing still.

Right now the higher ranks are doing WSG to get past the people sitting in AV soaking up NPC kills.

Yeah, you’d think Horde are nothing but PUGs!

Y’all seriously overestimate Horde’s ability to coordinate, maybe because you’ve gotten so used to premades. There are probably Horde players in any given game who accept your opinion about their long-term interests, but why you would think those players could convince the rest of the PUG to “give you something” is beyond me.

Take a minute and think it through.

The average horde player stopped queueing as well. Nobody wants to wait an hour or more.

I finished my grind this week. Exalted in AV day one (lol Horde). Another week or so of just chilling in WSG for WSG rep (again lol Horde), already half way through revered. I’ll enjoy the time I had doing nothing but winning in premade AV, and probably never go back. 98% win rate out of thousands of games and the tears of those Horde that didn’t have a 100% win rate during our time of cleansing Horde scum with some games going to 300 hks while Horde have a max of 10. “But Alliance just want to avoid PvP, waahhhh”. Nah, I can live with that.

I will say one thing, having long queues only to get stomped out in 6 minutes would have made me stop queuing for AV. You guys have determination, I’ll give you that. Turns out that determination paid off. 100% win rate, albeit 2 hour queues. Meh.

Strategy wise, it can absolutely work. The post-change premades I’ve seen haven’t been trying to rush (it’s not cost effective in terms of HPH even if it worked everytime, anymore), but rather have been fighting things out in a more “traditional” manner with longer (30+ min) games that maximize honor, and seem to win pretty consistently. So it’s certainly not a question of whether it’s possible.

The problem, really, is coming up with an effective strategy that works in a fully pug group, given the average quality of the Alliance pugs, the number of afk/botters, the willingness of people to listen and coordinate, and so on. Eventually I do think that some of the strategy changes will filter down to those players, and hopefully they’ll learn - but 15 years of seeing how pug BGs go leaves me unwilling to hold my breath on it.

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I mean, it’s a fair point - though all it takes is one pug. But my experience has been that even just killing lieutenants causes a handful of Horde to come hunt us down for the kills, if only because those kills are worth way more than kills with the mass group fights.

But your afraid to post on your main lol.

At this point… what would encourage them? You guys want those 6 min wins because you get in a match near instantly. We want max honor because we wait for an hour.

Either we ignore you guys and lose within single digit minutes, or we counter you guys and aim for honor…

Alliance - More than an 8 minute game is a loss of HpH
Horde - Less than 4k bonus honor is a loss of HpH

Both cant be satisfied. Best bet is to learn to counter us. It might lead to 15-20 min wins for you but its better than hearing you guys cry non-stop for a month about how “We cant premade properly anymore so Blizzard screwed us and the horde are at fault for doing what we are doing, maximizing honor per hour”

Sounds like the OP wants retail-like participation trophies.

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Can’t speak for all horde, but a lot of us are competitors are looking for that perfect, 9k honor game.
That means controlling everything and letting nothing slip.

I seen some improvements from allies lately, some of you are starting to get tougher to beat, keep it up, we need more competition.

what you refer to as a perfect game we refer to as scorched earth. If you have the shot for the win take it already. Cave camping is making you no friends.

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The players that could get six minute wins are in Warsong Gulch now, as premades, stomping over anything but a similarly top-tier Horde premade.

I’d wager that basically any of the Alliance playing AV now* would be happy just to be competitive in the game, and not just getting repeatedly pushed into turtle defense.

*Which is a combination of the people not in premades, people in low rank premades, and people from small servers that don’t have enough players on their server to form elite WSG teams regularly.

You seem to be the anomaly. Horde were apoplectic when they had real competition. They seem to better prefer beating on our friendly neighborhood bots.

This might be the case … they may have all moved on… Does that mean we should forgive alliance as a whole for the month nearly straight of nothing but premades cheesing the win with a pally pull?

You guys created the map awareness we now have. You guys created the need to maximize honor in AV to make the time in queue worth it. The worst part is - your own team screwed over massive amounts of your faction by queue dodging for those premades.

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You, er, do realize that the premades largely formed in direct response to Horde changing tactics? Neither side exists/existed in a vacuum. Alliance changed what they were doing based on the Horde, and vice versa. Things like the Pally pull, or the Mage pull that it derived from, came about entirely because the Horde was mass recalling and stacking defense in the room and interfering with Warmaster pulls. And so on, and so on.

So don’t complain about premades or any of the rest of it, we were adapting and doing what we needed to do to win - and more importantly to stay competitive with the other Alliance that were doing the exact same stuff, just like the Horde camp flight points and other obnoxious behavior, because it’s do that or drop out of the competition. Get off your high horse and stop pretending you’re some saintly put-upon sort who was abused by the evil alliance premades. You know you and the rest of the horde players would have done exactly the same thing if the situations were reversed.

You say we were screwing over our own faction - I say I really don’t feel terribly sorry for those pugs. Why? For one, they’re not any better off with the changes. Now they actually can’t even snipe into a game with a premade and win. It’s also not as if the premades were exclusive - get to level 60 with a fast mount, and you could be invited to the introductory tier one right away.