Tip for Horde for shorter AV ques

Enjoy doing your very best to avoid PVP in BGs and out in the world while crying about map, racial and faction imbalance. While still trying to circumvent the queue randomisation / distribution that Blizz has implemented.

schadenfreude works both ways, friend.

Enjoy your 2 hour ques my guy.

Ranking horde will just skip to WSG premades (as they already are doing), shortening the AV queues so weā€™re good - currently queues are at 1h even late night.

lmao the delusion is off the scales. Make Horde stop queueing when losing to a premade in 8min after a 30min queue didnā€™t?

Pretty much - though Iā€™d say in general itā€™s because of the way the honor system works. People are super thirsty for whatever honor they can get, so when they see those handful of alliance players south killing LTs, or even just trying to run past the Icewing choke, theyā€™re not thinking ā€œPoor bastards, trying to salvage whatever scraps of honor they can from this lossā€, theyā€™re thinking ā€œlook at those little chunks of honor on two legs! GET EM!ā€

I never want to be in a av longer than 30 mins for the extra honor.
But sometimes they wont give thus 45+ min games.

Why would Horde want this?

(queue times are not an issue for the majority)

Ya thatā€™s pretty much how I feel. When I am only getting 1 match an hour thereā€™s no chance I am going to forfeit my personal honor so that the opposite faction can get some.

Not really anyoneā€™s fault, but I only get enough time for 1-2 matches if AV per day on weekdays, so that means I absolutely MUST get every little bit I can from those few I get. Sucks for allqince, but thereā€™s not really much I can do. If I donā€™t kill them running by, someone else will.

Well im no expert but Iā€™d say start by changing up the 15 year old rush a pve boss strat that you guys donā€™t seem to want to abandon.
You guys would probably win for a week. Just because we would be so lost if you guys triedā€¦well. Anything else.

Why are Horde even queuing up for AV?
You can only play like 4-5 games a night before going to bed.
Why not play WSG for real PVP? 5mins queue, 10-15mins match.

Because unless you are running in a premade group that consistently wins youā€™re better off queueing AV and farming honor in world pvp

Can easily get 3-4k honor between AV queues, whereas queuing solo into premades in wsg can leave you starved for honor if you canā€™t snag kills against the premades

This is the stupidest thing Iā€™ve read in a while. The Alliance start most matches out the same way, with the same strategy. The problem isnā€™t with how the Horde play.

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Why is it so many Alliance players think WoW in general and BGs in particular are some kind of cooperative effort? We play the game because at its foundation it is war in a fantasy world. We are their to compete, fight and ultimately subjugate our Alliance enemies. If you guys are not getting any honor or rep, that is exactly how it should be. You are asking for us to treat Alliance like some sustainable resource to me managed and harvested. That we should let you have some things on the battleground so you can comfortably play your dragon slayer pve game. Horde are not farmers. If the game ends because there are not more Alliance to kill, then things are alright with the world and the game is over.

If you want nice things in Azeroth, you have to fight for them and win.


Chicken egg thing. I like this.

In the games Iā€™ve been in, it seems like once Horde are done being babies up north and everyone is doing screwing around with the Ice Lord nonsense, we can bust over the bridge and end it pretty quick. But in that time there are usually GYs and Towers that Ally get down south.

The games Iā€™ve lost were the ones that Ally just ran by the Horde group and bolted for the Horde base and the southern half of the map. Seems like they are sticking around Galv more and more, which seems to be a mistake.

Youā€™ve nailed it . That is exactly the tone of a lot of these posts.


I agree, that would fix the problem right up.

Itā€™s almost like history is repeating itself. Alliance boycotted AV because they got no bonus honor so it just wasnā€™t worth it. Horde intentionally not killing Vann to prevent alliance from getting any bonus honor sounds like the same thing that put horde in hours long queues in TBC.

I donā€™t expect horde to hand over anything, but when alliance can no longer benefit from AV, I expect fewer will queue for it.


Horde dont stomp those 7 because of longer queues. This happens after they already burned, killed, or capped everything. They receive no extra honor for doing this and extend their own game. When you had 30min queues and got about 5k bonus honor plus a win from a 26min match that is over 5k and hour. That was at least 2x what alliance got. Now have longer queues and longer matches for about the same honor. That means you hph is going down. You are only hurting yourself doing this. I was in a match where horde literally came into our cave to farm honorless allys after already owning the map. This is why your queues are what they are

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Oh you poor, poor baby? Did mean Horde come into the cave?

No one has a problem with how the horde plays. The issue is playing like that and being confused as to why your queues are increasing. You have map advantage and are playing teams full of bots, afk and people farming rep through quests. Even still you exploit db by entering behind s bunker and cheese vann.

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