They should just delete a couple awful classes instead of finishing them, its wasted resources. That way they can add actual good classes.
Go to Warcraft 3 and look up Goblin Tinker.
Guess we’re ignoring Wrath DKs
Why would there be a need for 2 tank specs lol
Tank more than any other role often gets reduced down to one meta choice. We currently have 6 tanks to choose from but taking anything other than prot paladin is just nerfing your group. I just can’t see them balancing two tank specs on one class.
I’m down with Blizzard giving Tinkers Brann’s new tanking abilities in Delves. A “ranged” tank that uses a pistol and a shield, and when the shield gets destroyed he goes balls to the wall and whips out a shotgun to deal more damage until the shield gets repaired.
Also this stuff;
Electro-Charged Gadgets – Brann’s equipment is enhanced with cutting-edge tech upgrades.
- Electro-Charged Shield – Effective healing done to Brann pulsates as Nature damage to nearby enemies.
- Electro-Charged Pistol – Each shot discharges and electrical current, arcing through nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed. Healing Brann super-charges his pistol to deal more damage.
- Electro-Charged Shotgun – Each enemy hit has a chance to be knocked down. Healing Brann super-charges his shotgun to deal more damage.
Sentry Totem – Brann deploys an electrifying totem, nullifying up to 3 harmful spells and boosting combat capabilities of allies within the area.
Lightning Link – Brann generates an electro link that transfers damage done to nearby allies to himself.
Yes please.
no thanks i don’t have time to play a new game, going to stick with wow
No it would not because then id have to read 999 more threads about tank favoritism and balance and viability from a mess of redditors that never play tanks
I love the simplicity and fun flavor of the electro-charged shield, give an excuse for healers to dps parse by pump heals into the tank heh