Wouldn’t that be cool? Priests have two healers specs. Tinkers would be the first class ever to have two tanking specs.
The 3rd can be a DPS. Or maybe a healer spec!
Wouldn’t that be cool? Priests have two healers specs. Tinkers would be the first class ever to have two tanking specs.
The 3rd can be a DPS. Or maybe a healer spec!
Just give em 4 specs.
That works too.
Support/tank, Tank or Support/healer, something like that.
With something as open ended as a Tinker class I think there could be multiple tank specs.
I think most people at least want an armored suit tank spec. Me personally I’d like a DPS spec that puts down turrets and lobs grenades and all that cool stuff.
As a side note.
I think Blizzards logic for introducing classes has been that the classes have to fit the expansion we’re going into, which is fine, but it’s also limiting. Realistically, I think Blizzard could use the side events (kinda like Plunderstorm) to introduce what ever cool thing they want to that might be great for the community/game but might not fit with an expansions identity.
So, maybe we could have an in-game event which is robot themed and that would introduce the Tinker class, or any other class for that matter. The event doesn’t have to be associated with old gods or the afterlife or what ever the current or next expansion will be about, and it can give us all the quests and build up we’d otherwise need to substantiate a new classes introduction.
I think one of the untapped benefits of Blizzards new development model for various side-avenue gameplay (again like Plunderstorm), is that they now have the means to introduce what ever classes they want and they aren’t held down to old-norms.
Ok, end of ranty wall of text, but I hope I got my point across well enough.
a Captain America spec (Pistol/Shield) and an Iron Man spec (jump in a Mech to tank)
Two really just means one as far as the playerbase is concerned. I also don’t see modern Blizz doing something like that. Priests wouldn’t have two healing specs either if they were being added to the game today.
Why stop at just 4 specs?
Give them 192 specs so they can tank, heal and DPS as every possible permutation of the roles.
That’s a fair point, but is it a good thing or bad thing?
I like my mind being blown up too.
Personally I hope the third spec is healer. Considering how synonymous science and medicine are in the real world I’m always annoyed at how RPG’s always make healing some form of divine magic. Every form of magic has mages/wizards acting as researchers and experimenters for their craft except for healing where you channel a god or nature to do it for you.
A chirugeon/apothecary tinker spec would instantly become my main.
Eh, it’d just mean priests would have two DPS specs instead, or to be a bit more charitable to Blizz, it’s possible that priest would be another class with a ‘support’ role, like evoker.
As long as it would have one ranged dps spec with no lame mech and used grenades, a flamethrower, rockets, lightning cannon, turret, etc then I’m good with whatever other specs they wanna do.
honestly, I think Delves Brann is the test bed/template for Tinkers.
which would mean 1 heal, 1 DPS, 1 tank spec.
Are tinkers puntable ?
it’s tough enough coming up with one tank spec let alone two. I feel like tinker is gonna be the next meta-. One tank, one DPS, one heal.
If you want to hit your foot on a big mech machine with no fear of consequences…
As long as my mech can swap between dps/ranged and melee/tank, I’m happy!
If anyone gets two tanking specs it should be DHs - this is my long standing hot take
But I suspect it would be much harder to balance one class with two tanking specs than priest with holy / disc
The Elves are spoiled enough.
When DKs released there was a blood and frost tanking spec. They changed it to blood only because it was too hard to balance both and players would pick the perceived best one, even if it was only slightly better.