2 tanks or 2 healing specs in the same class just means people are forced to go the most efficient one. Priests have this problem already.
Besides, tinkers have the chance to have tank, DPS and healer specs, why waste one slot with a repeated role?
Priest’s have two healing specs and its always been an encumberance to the class.
Yeah - this is the problem with disc / holy → I have been kicked a non-zero amount of times for being holy when people wanted me to be disc.
Its unfortunate. And there have been a couple seasons in recent history where disc is just strictly better.
Thankfully holy just blasts in Raid - but so does disc
I only play holy myself, which m+ has been pretty miserable for. I love raiding though, so like you said, it still rocks there.
Hopefully with the rework, m+ will be more approachable as holy.
Sure, give them 2 tank specs.
The first is the typical defend yourself and allies tank. The second is a dps spec that transforms you into an M-1 Abrams Main Battle Tank.
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Same! I’m a holy priest main - season 3 of DF I learned Disc and loved it - but I always go back to holy! Even when holy is miserable >.<
I’m super excited for the rework!
Indeed, I know it’s taboo so it will probably never happen, but I’d rather see Disc and Holy merged into a single spec with the best of both and free a new DPS “Battle Priest” spec that uses bows and magic representing the Priestesses of the Moon and Shadow Hunters. Sounds crazy but would be awesome.
one quick question: what’s a tinker?
Its the class everyone is expecting to be dropped in Midnight for some reason or another.
Think artificer
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I have no idea why we want another class with more specs when the current development team cannot properly handle what we already have.
Because new and shiny might make us forget about our other problems >.>
Wow you really want them to be DOA don’t you?
Because Tinker is a concept that was ALWAYS present in Warcraft but never made into the game. And it’s different enough to provide a new experience unlike other classes have. So, why not?
I’d love to have a “machinist” tankspec that rides a mecha, a “sapper” ranged DPS that uses guns, bombs and turrets, and a “chemist” healer spec that throws potions and dispenses chemicals through machines.
Because most classes and specs are based around magic, which is boring IMO. I get my magic fix from this guy. There is only THREE classes that don’t use much of it.
Warrior, Rogue, and Hunter.
Two of them are not tanks.
Read your post and liked your ideas. I would rather have two tanks specs and a ranged.
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Yeah, I doubt they’d get two tank specs. I’d love to see them with four specs though. Tank, RDPS, Support, and healing would be my guess.
Also love to see Brann’s gun and tech shield stuff integrated in some fashion.
Short ppl who are annoyed by their stature , who therefore go about building giants bots to pilot .
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lets go with four specs so druids aren’t alone
Tank 1: mech suit
Tank 2: mech pet, actual tinker fights alongside
Healer: apothecary vials, healing cloud bombs, injections
DPS: guns and bombs (could also go the support route so that augvoker has competition)
Finish the current classes before adding anything new.
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