Tinker, Warden, and Necromancer when?

My bonemancer Dk caster spec idea says otherwise :sunglasses:

D2 bonemancer for reference.

Why would the ranged mobs follow the melee tank, but wouldnā€™t come to the ranged tank?

Maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding something here, but how is it a ranged tank if itā€™s tanking in melee?

Because itā€™s using ranged weaponry and attacks.

When a hunter or Mage shoots at a target and the target runs at it and fights it in melee range, is the Hunter and Mage no longer ranged DPS?

Hunters and mages spend the majority of the time at range. Your concept of a ā€œrangedā€ tank would spend itā€™s time almost exclusively in melee.

Wardens are rogues

Only because thatā€™s the typical state that all range finds themselves in when being the main source of threat. When soloing, a Mage, Hunter, Boomkin, etc. will also be fighting in melee range the majority of the time. The only reason such classes end up fighting in range in group content is because someone is the threat target, which frees them up to fight at a further distance.

In short, if we ended up with Panzerkins again (Balance Druids with enough armor, damage reduction, and threat to effectively tank) would we then say that Balance Druid is now a melee spec? Of course not.

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A ā€˜ranged tankā€™ ainā€™t that deep of a concept. To be clear, Iā€™m in support of adding them. Evoker/shaman/warlock tanks when and all that.

But a range/caster tank is literally just a tank that does its thing at any range.

Do you want to group up things to aoe them down? Yea.

Are there range mobs you wanna hold aggro on? Yeah, casters not getting kicked happen all the time, or range mobs that are sitting in a pool of bad they just donā€™t wanna move out of. Better to have a toolkit suited to holding their attention while you got a bunch of mobs in a group you canā€™t easily move then letting them slap the healer.

Ever played a warlock or hunter whose pet just canā€™t hold aggro? Youā€™ve experienced the basic idea of a range/caster tank, just throw in a few more damage mitigation buttons and spell pushback mitigation. Maybe a Kiljaedenā€™s Cunning and/or a Norgannonā€™s Sagacity for good measure.


I am making a post that conforms to the ā€œGeneralā€ topic, in accordance with the terms of use without being abusive to any user.

If that makes me ā€˜entitledā€™ then yes, I am ENTITLED. Since I actually AM.

You donā€™t know my emotional state whatsoever. But you sure are triggered enough to come here and behave this way over it :slight_smile:

Be bitter. Itā€™s invigorating.

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I will campaign for the Tinker as long as I breathe.

After finishing the Ringing Deeps finally, my resolve has increased ten-fold. Iā€™m not a betting man, but considering I see Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter comments all asking for Tinker now too, Iā€™d wager that this is a tease for something thatā€™s cooking. And since weā€™re returning to Ulduar for ā€œThe Last Titanā€, and Mimiron will probably play a large role in regards to all of this mysterious Titan machinery, it seems like a very good window to introduce Tinkers as a class finally.

To any WoW devs reading this;

  • Exo suit Tank spec (see: Maple Story 2 Mechanic & Lost Ark Gunlancer)
  • Ranged DPS Gun spec that focuses on building & supporting Turrets with a Wrench as a melee weapon (see: Warhammer Online Dwarf Engineer, Torbjorn from Overwatch, GW2 Scrapper Engineer class)
  • Elixirmaster Support spec, throwing crazy concoctions that can heal, enhance, and everything around that

pls and ty


Iā€™d be crazy into a mech spec for tanking.

Not this one tho, no more support specs please

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2 days after you decide to unsub.

This is pretty much the rule of thumb to anything you want in life. Unless youā€™re extremely special. Sorry bro

Me: when will I win the lottery?
Life: The Day of the Night you have a heart attack

For the record I would love to see Necromancer happen

Hahaha well Iā€™ll gladly settle for healer or a 2nd dps melee spec that is like Gazlowe from HotS. The class simply being in the game first and foremost is all I care about at this point LOL

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lol hey I can work with that! Would love a mechanical healer akin to Ana (Overwatch) in some form

  • Tinker = Engineer
  • Warden = Night Elf Sentinels
  • Necromancer = Unholy Death Knights

They are already in the game. No Bards, though.

Death Knights are your ā€˜necromancerā€™ class.

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Iā€™m sure someoneā€™s already mentioned it, but Unholy DK is already a necromancer. It plays so much like the necro from Diablo 4 itā€™s not even funny

Every time I read this I roll my eyes at demon hunter.

The entire class is literally a repurposed warlock spec. The overlap is immense. Weā€™ll be fine with a Necromancer overlapping death knights


Of the three my vote would be for the Tinker. Between the gnomes, goblins and now Earthen I could see this class finally being introduced. After all both sides already have mech suits they just havenā€™t turned the technology toward warfare.

Though a necromancer class would actually fit in the world it will, in my opinion, never be done. The main reason being that the class would be an affront to every Forsaken in the game. A necromancer controls the undead and the Forsaken would never let that class survive.

A Warden class I wouldnā€™t mind but I see it as something exclusive to the elven classes and they already have the demon hunter. To me a warden is just the elven equivalent of a hunter marksman only in cooler armor.

Engineer isnā€™t a class.