Do you like demon hunter? I only ask cuz before legion I hardcore campaigned for demon hunter like you are for Tinker. It’s all I wanted since I started playing in TBC and after playing them in Wc3 when I went back to try the old warcraft games I loved it even more. I wish it had a third spec but over-all I love the class so much. Legion was so close to being the perfect expansion but the AP grind, Mage Tower being temporary (I hate exclusive content even though I have some, garrison missions 2.0 took away from it a bit. Over-all an excelent expansion and as someone who LOVES class lore every single class getting an epic campaign was great. I’m wondering if what you want for tinker is similiar as legion in that you want it to be brought in an expansion that it’ll be perfect with. Like AI/Robotics/Technology is the main theme. I’d be interested in an expansion where we take a spaceship to another world (Yeah we kind of did that with Argus). An incredibly technologically advanced world compared to Azeroth. The expansion would finally put gnomes and goblins at the forfront, with draenei as supporting cast with it’s technology focus.
I mean… you could argue abilities like “avatar” are magical. Rogues have a couple magic but you could arguably interpret shadowstep as just rushing super fast while hiding in literal shadows. Hunter is pretty close though they do have arcane shot, and mend pet. (tho one could be an arrow dipped in arcane energy, and mend pet is just first aid).
Rogue: Shows up with little sticks, pokes with little sticks. Goes away…pwoofy…
Warrior: Mighty Battle Shouts of Power swell from the Belly of the juggernaut, Dominating weapons of legend descend upon the meek. Copious amounts of battlefield flow as the warrior charges unendingly upon his victims. Absolute obliteration under the mounting rage of the berserker. Praise the Odyn-son for their enemies have been judged and found unworthy.
warrior more interesting now tee hee
I agree if they want a tinker like class just add cool mech crap to eng
Your name says “Kult Tiran Warrior” but your body says high elf… concern
my mind is telling me no but my body…
My Body is telling me yes
You could. But that just furthers my point. Even classes that in every other IP would be purely martial, still rely on magic in WoW.
Technology in WoW is there, and like Mekkatorque and Mechagon proved, it’s more than capable of standing toe to toe with the arcane or other sources of magic in WoW.
I mean if tinkers pull a mech out of their arsse I could say that’s magic.
Tinker’s have the potential to be the most unique class yet.
Potatoemancer sounds lit AF!
Way better than tinker!
Your sentiment, and others like it, are a classic example of why WoW needs more roleplayers in MMO class design. They aren’t all lutes and songs.
I could easily craft four very distinct Bard specs that keep the essence of the class, and maintain the feel of WoW classes (maybe not as edgy as DHs).
I understand about other classes, but first without it being just for gnomes and goblins.
WE NEED TINKER CLASS, but with a new race and new expansion
Yep. Sure do.
I prefer to play Demon Hunter casually though: I’ve been a Tank main for a long time now, I almost exclusively play this game for Tanking.
And While I love Havoc Demon Hunter, Vengeance doesn’t leave a lot for me to sink my teeth into with its Spirit Bomb playstyle.
I don’t think it’s bad. I just know it isn’t for me.
So I love demon Hunter, I play it casually, but It’s not my main because of Vengeance.
Honestly, No.
I think Legion was a great expansion, and it personally was my favorite expansion in WoW’s history.
But If Tinkers were to get added I don’t think they need an entirely Technology themed expansion.
Don’t get me wrong, I think a Technology themed expansion would be awesome. But I really don’t think its necessary in order to introduce Tinkers.
Tinkers already exist across the entire wow universe without any need for justification. They could add them tomorrow and I don’t think most players would be weirded out given how often we see Mechs, Shredders, guns. ETC.
While I think a High Tech expansion would be cool. I don’t think its a necessity.
Standby for Titanfall.
I imagine the Tinker calling the mech via some kind of device and the animation shows the mech slowly landing and the Tinker hopping into it. Like a 6 second cast.
I agree with this.
Playing an orc warrior
Calling something boring.
You’re cliche af dude
OMG that would be awesome, even if it had to be an addon.
I would totally have that addon.
So we all agree. Tinkers for 10.0. Basically iron man but in wow.
You guys can’t be serious…
All these suggestions sound like complete trolls.
If ever it was time for a new class like Necromancer or Dark Rangers it was SL who actually at blizz hates making money and didn’t think of adding a new class this expansion?
who cares if it shares a few things with other classes you don’t have to ruin those other classes to make the new ones awesome you just need creativity, it all would have tied in perfect with this expansion theme.