i said before. a few posts ago. i dont want new classes until we have consistent balance with the current classes we have now. im fine with a few specs being overtuned and such bc its the nature of the beast.
also i still dont get what tinker brings to the table yet.
I’d argue that pandaren played a very large roll in the MoP plot, lets not forget the mainlanders. Monk themes were very present in mists in everything from the eastern architecture to the Sha plot involving conflict and negative emotions.
Blizzard is predictable, they have done the same thing the last three times they’ve added classes, so it is logical to assume they will do so a third. Also, it isn’t obvious why the tinker would be an ideal choice of class after a time skip, over say anything else, can you elaborate on that?
They were there at the start as the typical new NPCs and didn’t do much. Most Tharan Zhu did was lose the fight against Garrosh. The celestials were more impactful when it comes to monk themes.
Warlock: Pit Lord abilities. Dread Lord Abilities.
Hunter: Orc Beastmaster abilites.
No class has tinker abilities.
Functionally they’re similar.
I mean. Cmon dude. It’s not that hard to grasp I hope.
Half your arguments have either been Tinker > State of the game or personal opinion, it’s hard to grasp when your arguments are about 50% subjectivity and 50% deflection.
That’s an interesting point, you would expect technology to improve as time passes as it does in our world, though I should point out That it’s entirely possible for it not to occur also. We have ancient races in this game that seem to have advanced their tech virtually not at all in thousands of years, so a lack of change after a time skip is not entirely unexpected. I’ll admit that your logic in this regard is sound, but still rather vague.