Tinker class = lame

We don’t need a class that is all about working with animals, and hunting with a bow.

Just play a Skinner. It’s totally the same thing.

Alright. But you know Engineering doesn’t give you a single tinker ability from Warcraft 3. Right?

Something doesn’t need to be copy-pasted from WC3 to be a class, with just the existing engineering creations it could very well be its own class.

They frequently steal the spotlight from Existing classes, even going so far to appear as Raid bosses.

Except no one really gave two sh*ts about Blackfuse and people only liked Mekkatorque because he dropped a mount and then got shoehorned into the Mechagnome recruitment storyline.

Because people like new classes.
Sorry to break your heart. But people like new classes.

This is probably the first thread I have even seen about Tinkers, if it takes years of complaining and whining to get High Elf looking Belves/Velves then Blizzard is not going to care about a class that most people don’t care about either.

I’m sorry if you don’t like it. But A Tinker class would make a lot of people happy, and it would be loyal to Warcraft 3. and It wouldn’t require a retcon. And it’s just as easy as DH, DK, or Monk.

Necromancer will probably be added before Tinker ever will because that’d make a lot more people happy than this even if it sort of exists in Unholy DK.

Besides, it’d be a headache for Blizzard to figure out how to put any new classes in Legion due to Class Order Halls. New classes make money sure, but there are far more easier ways to go about making money through 6 month subscription rewards and further customization for already existing races and classes.

We don’t need a class that is all about working with animals, and hunting with a bow.
Just play a Skinner. It’s totally the same thing.

Except you don’t use a bow when skinning and the animals are alive.
Your leaps in logic are legendary.

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so do mounts

wheres my BLADEMASTER and WARDEN which has abilities that are iconic abilities of other classes.

please tell me what tinker is other than.

wc3 unit. goblin in a mech suit. drae with their space gadgets. that can heal and dps and place turrets.

ok ok ok new idea. mechagnome survival hunter (turrets lol). with a specialization in goblin engi. only mech pets.

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I disagree. Considering every single class in this game has abilities from Warcraft 3.

I did.
I loved Blackfuze and thought he was funny.
Mekkatorque was my favorite boss this expac.

see how easy it to deflect a subjective argument?

Then you haven’t been looking very hard.

Look at the name of this thread. Clearly it was made in response to existing tinker threads.

You realize they made Chromie Time and Exiles reach to circumvent that problem. Right?

And you don’t use a Mech suit when throwing grenades at people.
Your leaps in logic are legendary.

Come back with an argument. Toots.

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the only mount you can use is sky golem. there is your mech…hic!

Yep. They both do. Gold star for you

Mirror Image. Mage
Critical Strike. Every class
Wind Walk. Monk
Bladestorm: Warrior.

The fantasy of that class is baked into Arms Warrior usually.

Fan of Knives and Shadowstrike. Both on rogue, and you can also teleport.

Tinkers in Warcraft 3 Didn’t heal genius.

Tinkers had
Missile Barrage
Pocket Factory
and Robo-Goblin. (the mech suit)

And none of those abilities are in WoW.

Both Heroes you stated have all of their abilities in WoW.
Tinker does not. See how that works?

youre getting it!

I disagree. Considering every single class in this game has abilities from Warcraft 3.

That’s why I said it didn’t need to be copy-pasted, you can retain some abilities and have new ones added.

I did.
I loved Blackfuze and thought he was funny.
Mekkatorque was my favorite boss this expac.
see how easy it to deflect a subjective argument?

I was referring to the masses, I wasn’t seeing anyone jumping for joy when they finally saw their tinker-waifu in game because barely no one cares. The fact that you care is not even an argument because Blizzard doesn’t cater to individuals.

Then you haven’t been looking very hard.
Look at the name of this thread. Clearly it was made in response to existing tinker threads.

Then it’s unfortunate that he didn’t link any threads and the only thing in the popular links section is wikipedia-esque pages on unit information.

Blademaster Abilities: In World of Warcraft
Warden abilities: In World of Warcraft

Tinker abilities: Not in World of Warcraft.

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goblin racial

engi bombs

sky golem

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Tinkers abilities aren’t here at all.

No. They cater to their Fanbase. Usually by pandering to Warcraft 3.

You mean Rocket Jump?
Or the one that fires one Missile?
Neither of those are a Missile barrage.

Wrong. Pocket factories are stationary and deal continuous damage. You know. Like a Turret.

That’s not an ability. That’s a mount, silly.

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and you say im not creative for having a orc warrior.

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No I’m saying you’re wrong.

A Profession is not a class. It’s that easy.

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TOTEMS. lets ask blizz to add a stationary turret for engis

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Accidentally hit reply so I’ll respond to the rest here

You realize they made Chromie Time and Exiles reach to circumvent that problem. Right?

Yes, that doesn’t stop people from wanting to quest in Legion, Blizzard wouldn’t seal off an entire expansion via Chromie Time just because it’s a new class so they’d still have to find a way to put it in.

And you don’t use a Mech suit when throwing grenades at people.
Your leaps in logic are legendary.
Come back with an argument. Toots.

Already possible through class customization and mounts (though mounts is stretching it). Mechagnome + Engineering (bombs).

No. They cater to their Fanbase. Usually by pandering to Warcraft 3.

Yes, except no one in their fanbase has asked for Tinkers except for this thread which is a tiny fraction of what normal support threads get.

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Totems are for Shamans. Not for tinkers.
Totems don’t even stand still and do damage anymore. They haven’t since Draenor.

Man you’re really just gonna keep barfing up wrong answers.

<_< huh???

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Hobart Grapplehammer. The NPC in Dalaran. He gives you a Gun that levels with you.

None of the classes are Tinkers. so that’s wrong

Engineering doesn’t let me build turrets or fight in a mech.

I’ve seen requests for an Engineer class since I started playing.

include the whole quote genius.

Totems are all utility, healing and support buffs.
There isn’t a searing totem anymore.