Tinker class = lame

You mean… The developers may have to, what’s the word I’m looking for? Work?!

That is odd, I thought they designate separate teams for each class on class design, but communicate with each other. So if they added a new class they would need a new team for that class.

The problem being that Activision is cutting staff at Blizzard not increasing it.

Tinker is one of the most requested classes among the community.

There’s nothing saying we’ll get them. But a massive section of the community wants them.

Strange, last I heard they where cutting staff at the lower levels, not developers and financial management.

If that was the case then warlocks wouldn’t be so universally shafted when it comes to flavor and quality of life.

The only thing that makes regarding warlocks is all classes share a dev team, and that dev team hates warlocks with a passion.

This can be possibly true, though I don’t see allot of issues with warlocks, they just need allot of prep work and planning to be used well.

They alrdy cant do their job as is.
Demonhunters basically threw the game into complete chaos.
DK’s were handled better, but even that was a huge burden for them.

The leak was fake. that’s not being disputed.

Some people just still want a Tinker class.

Demon hunter is based on a WC3 Hero
Death Knight is based on a WC3 Hero
Monk is based on a WC3 Hero

So people want tinkers. They have a WC3 Hero and they don’t step on existing classes.

Tinker class could be cool if they made it kinda like a druid have all specs and you build things (pets) to help u do the diff roles like a giant tank u ride to help u tank or a flying machine that shoots for range…

make it an exact copy of the engineer for gw2 and that would be amazing, lol
flame thrower and bombs + grenades + turrets
I would re-roll so fast lol

Tinkerer’s should have a skill where they deploy a mini robotic version of themselves that walks up to the target and explodes!

Now THAT’S straight outta Warcraft 3.

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I thought we were talking about exciting classes no? Is that all it takes? To get the job done? Then Tinker does just that. It just seems to not be your type of bread you like.

The guy who hardcore campaigned for locks for the longest time who was the lead dev of locks ended up getting fired for being too passionate and fighting for warlocks. This was before legion? idr exactly when.

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I’d rather be surprised and delighted with the stuff Blizzard can come up with, rather than stomp my feet and demand a class be playable. Tinker is just a great way to make engineering suck, the most fun and lately the most boring tradeskill in the game. If anything I’d like to see a mail wearing battlemage like what you see in Strath- Staff in one hand, sword in the other.

Make it so Blizzard. Make it so. (though I know it’s going to be Cleric 100%)

Oh look! Another Gorgroth thread. :roll_eyes:

Imagine writing a thread complaining about a class that isn’t even in the game

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Is this really a potential thing, or is it just a new bard?

You know, if they wanted to break up the “holy trinity” to make it a holy square dance by adding support roles, I could see them adding bards, tinkers and maybe some new specs or altered specs for existing classes. However, I understand the issues that come with adding support roles, so I don’t see it as super likely.

Enough with your ridiculous fun sounding ideas taken directly from canonical aspects of warcraft games that have already been made!

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