Tinker class = lame

Oh, cool. Didnt know anything about it. Sounds like it could be pretty cool if they did it right.



Vulpera?? Ohhhh yeah… Right… this is just a body I’m wearing. Found it in the desert in pretty good condition.

try reading the rest of the post.

Lol What? A survival hunters fantasy is right there in the name.

Your a Hunter that specializes in Survival. you know about poisons, animals, nature, and the like.

You’re closer to a witcher honestly. using makeshift bombs, poisons, and feral instinct to kill your enemies. + you use tamed animals. that’s literally nothing like a Tinker from WC3

Yeah… that totally didn’t happen though.
Hunters aren’t tinkers. Like not even in the slightest.

Tinkers use mechs, technology, and turrets.

not animals, nature, and bows.

Gazlowe is a Tinker, Mekkatorque is a Tinker. Thaelin Darkanvil is a Tinker. Grand Artificer rommul is a tinker.

You couldn’t look at any of those characters and call them “hunters” without poeple laughing at you

This is subjective. We don’t actually know what blizz’s board of directors is up to.
Class request threads are pretty common now that shadowlands didn’t give us a class.

Besides. That doesn’t mean tinkers aren’t the next class. only that they aren’t coming right now.

I would personally like if the core fantasy leaned more into this. I personally think things like turrets and grenades are a bad fit for the spec. Im just saying that the current design philosophy behind the spec encroaches on the tinker fantasy.

A good comparison would be Demo warlock from MoP (and wod?)

Back then your gameplay was based around turning into a demon, and it was a ton of fun. But it was completely redesigned to make way for demon hunters. Something similar would need to happen with survival hunter, hopefully to lean more into the traditional survival archetype instead of doing wierd things like grenades.

If memory serves they did have turrets for a short time back in legion beta, but sure, it certainkly has never been part of live survival

true, this is all speculative, but when specs have glaring issues that people have been screaming to the rooftops about since alpha, and not a single issue has been addressed, your left with either incompetence or apathy. I personally think its apathy.

Even if we got posts saying why they wont change something, that would at least tell us they are listening.

And what pray tell would be the better choice of existing non playable classes eh? Necromancers? Dark rangers? Some other edgy grimdark super dark class of grimness? Honestly I’ll take tinker over the edge brigade any day. Fel I’ll take bard before some form of grimdark class, we have enough edgy classes.

Bard would be really cool, ive always loved the idea behind it.

I couldn’t dissagre more and I’m sorry.
I leveled a hunter just a few days ago and loved it. Surivial is exactly what I want.
I’ve got a pet, i’ve got my ruthless melee attacks, I’ve got my poison.

I don’t see how it intersects with Tinker at all.

Tinkers stack intelligence.
They use mech suits for armor and tanking
They build turrets, fire missiles form a range

None of this is speculation by the way. That’s just their character page in WC3.

If it didn’t wind up making it off the Alpha then it’s hardly relevant frankly.
i’m sorry. I don’t want to be rude. But one ability that hunter almost got one time on the alpha isn’t really damning evidence.

I don’t think a new class is coming soon. I just think tinkers are coming next. very different statements.

I don’t think we’re getting a new class at least until 10.0 but if we get any new class, my bet is on tinker.

Bard didn’t have a Hero in WC3 to steal from. unlike every class in the game. So I doubt itll ever happen. Blizzard will always take the past of least resistance.

I just want to be able to dual wield again… I hate blizzard senselessly taking away player agency for arbitrary reasons.


i thought tinker was going to be the next class since all the way back in mists, i theorised that they introduced iron horde tech to give orcs access to the class.

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Totally Agree. I don’t see why it isn’t an option.

Still doesn’t make them anything like tinkers, which was my point.
But I agree nonetheless.

as a survivalist I’m using like machetes, and knives. Not spears, or axes and certainly not clawmores. Maybe a handaxe. imho two hand doesn’t fit with the fantasy but I don’t mind people deciding to do so if they wish.

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Warrior. That was easy.

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Warrior is the bread and butter of rpg fantasy.
So is mage.

Every time I see someone request bard I read it like this;


Yeah but warriors exist irl. They’re more or less realistic aside from a couple abilities. Rogues and hunters are similar except they have just enough fantasy injection with things like “Arcane” shot, eye of the beast, and magical aspects for hunters while rogues have like shadowstep, supernatural stealth, leeching poison for rogue. Warriors have avatar I guess?

Compared to classes like mages that open/create portals across the worlds. Warlocks who summon demons from another dimension. Priests who call upon the holy light to heal through faith, or delve into the shadows to wound. Demon hunters who imbued the essence of demons to better hunt them. Druids who can take many forms and summon natures wrath. Monks as a baseline are also more realistic as spiritual martial artists but being able to invoke wild gods, teleport, create elemental copies of themselves breaks away from that realism. Death Knights are necromancers who wear heavy armor and ride in on a pale horse spreading death and decay. Shamans who calls upon ancestral spirits, and control the elements. Hunters who bind beasts to their will and launch arrows with pinpoint accuracy, Rogues who strike from the shadows and bleed and poison enemies to death. Paladins who call upon their faith to protect, harm, and heal through magical light.

All of that versus warriors who hit “very” hard I guess.

Much as I want them, Tinkers will never be playable. Ever. Goblin and Gnome will always feel out of place on my character selection screen and that’s just my lot in life.

Good job on spelling lmfaooooo… though. I understand typos but that is easy.

What if they set it up like GW2’s
Engineer class. I think it might have potential then with swappable kits that have different utilities. Make it a DPS / utility class. And maybe a healer class.