Tinker, because we need an Electric Type

Pretty sure there is an entirely new team since then. Times changes.

Yeah, that’s nonsense. Bard’s fit right in with this sort of fantasy setting. There are a number of games that WoW is based on that have Bards already in them.

Besides, with the number of hints at “music magic” in Shadowlands, I think Bards might be closer than you think.

Wouldn’t this only work on other tinkers and all mechagnomes?

And yet that made a game video centred around a bard. And there is at least one piece of clothing gear including Bard’s Trousers, and an actual guitar weapon, the Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King.

So…how does that not fit?

We are way past the time that we should have had necromancers and tinkers added, so my vote is yes. Bards might even be interesting.
I’d also like to see a totally void wielding knight class.

Anyway, here’s an old thread from MMO-champ where someone posted their idea of a tinker class and I remember it being a fun read.


This concept is AWESOME!


Another guy had a pair of concepts for Necromancers that I quite liked as well.
More variety is always good =]

Call Tinker ANYTHING else… id even take plumber-butting electrician over… tinker… :face_vomiting: .

What the heck is that 2 standard argument??? So a dragon class, a demon class, or a magic class ( isn’t that one is just to vague? We already have like 7 or nine of that one) but tinkerer can’t be anything else than just a robot suit…

I can also apply your reasoning but the other way:

Tinker can be everything. Fight in robot suit, use anything kind of mechanical weapon such as gun or rocket ( which we currently don’t have), use bomb, mine, shooting laser with your robot suit, striking your opponent with a chainsaw that happen to be one of your robot arm, construct and repair any kind of turret possible, using gaz, healing with gaz, healing with syringe which you shout at your ally.

Now let look at a dragon, demon and magic class that isn’t a hero class because not every new class have to be a hero class:

Dude with tick skin shooting fire from his mouth, dude shooting demonic power thing ( what the hell this character is doing if it isn’t that?) or dude shooting any kind of magic ability, like mage, or spriest, or druid, or shaman, or even warlock who are also the dude shooting and using demonic thing…

None of those 3 are nearly as cool or bring anything as new as the tinker do.

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I’m one of the biggest Tinker fans on this forum… and I agree 100%
Tinker is a very silly name.
I use the term because it’s what everyone recognizes, and It’s also what the Hero was called in WarCraft 3.

I’d much rather prefer “Mechanic” or “Engineer” or “Technician”
Not Tinker.

But I would accept “Tinker” after all, That’s the WarCraft 3 Hero.

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Historically, electric is kind of a bad type in pokemon. Offensively atleast :man_shrugging:t6:

i have this idea for tinker healer: Ana rifle (overwatch), healing aoe turrets (like goblin chaman totems), armor dispenser that reduce the damage you take (like trinket: Boon of the Archon),

Nobody gives a damn about tinkers or bards, or night elves, void elves, or tails on worgens.

I support this 100%

If I can get a Tank specialization in a mech

You mean Warriors and their shouts don’t have it covered? Fine but it has to be a Bard that summons rodents with music as an opening act and has a snarky talking sword that gets you killed with frightening regularity.

Bro what is OP on? Tinker is clearly steel type


It could possibly present as both steel and electric but probably only the shiny ones.

Consider that every expansion class has been based on a WC3 hero;
Death Knights = Death Knights
Monks = Brewmasters
Demon Hunters = Demon Hunters

The final WC3 heroes whose abilities have never appeared in the WoW class lineup are two Goblins loaded with technology-based abilities. I think it’s pretty obvious what the next class is going to be. It’s really not a question of “if”, it’s a question of “when”.


And logically one could say a guy in a tin suit wielding a sword is boring in a world filled with dragons, demons and magic. A tinker would at least have ranged abilities to strike that dragon, which is only ever in melee range because mechanics force it to land. lol So I will say it again, it’s boring to you. Everything in game doesn’t need to be liked by everyone. I’m not a fan of elves and won’t ever play one, but I’m not shutting down anyone’s interest with them by sharing my negative opinions on them.


But then I’d have an alt named Bell for nothing.

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