Tinker, because we need an Electric Type

Inasmuch as the races most mentioned in regards to a possible Tinker class are Gnomes, Goblins, and possibly, Vulpera… well, they might fit in Pokeballs, so…

It’s completely absurd to me that “Ranged weapons” are exclusively used by 2 specs of 1 class.

Give us Tinkers that use Guns with the Intellect stat instead of the Agility stat.

It’s even crazier that our 1 and only class that can use guns is Hunter. Which is thematically rooted in nature, animals, and animal aspects.

Tinkers would obviously be “Steel” type.

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I was expecting tinkers with SL after seeing them in BFA.

Tank spec is mech pilot, like Gallywix or Mekkatoque
Healer spec is medic with cauterizers and medical/shield bots
Dps spec is like Heimerdinger/Gazlowe with rockets, grenades and turrets

Races would be all the tech-savvy ones, like we see in the Mechagon intro (Mag’har, Gnomes, Goblins, etc)


I’d rather have necromancer or dragoons.

With Gallywix abandoning the Bilgewater Cartel, and Gazlowe becoming leader. Now the Goblin and Gnome racial leaders are BOTH iconic tinker characters. But Goblins and Gnomes can’t be Tinkers.

This would be like Thrall being leader of the Orcs. But Orcs can’t be shamans.
Or Malfurion being leader of the Nelves. But Nelves can’t be Druids.

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I mean, you are playing a warrior… The most one dimension class and the most uninspiring call in the game. All you are doing is swinging your sword/mace/axe and thats pretty much all…

Can people explain what a ‘‘fantasy’’ class is? Isn’t using technology already a big theme in itself? Is being a fantasy class mean that you can only come from the old medieval fantasy group? Isn’t restricting ourself with the general medieval fantasy what is actually uninspired???

I swear that argument against tinker are often the worst one.


Restoration Shaman: Am I a joke to you?

As for electric type:

Enhancement Shaman: Am I joke to you?
Elemental Shaman: AM I A JOKE TO YOU!?

Poor shammies.


I have the same opinion as other above which consist in not having a tank spec for once. So i would just change the mech spec to be dps instead of tank. I would also make it to be hybrid between melee and a bit of close range. Of course if they are to mess it up like they messed up with other melee/range spec than better just make them melee.

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Just like Dark Iron dwarves. Heck, there are sill countless NPCs who use the old model.

We have Demon Hunters and an expansion with Iliidan. I think we will survive. lol


Exactly. If they give tinkers to the players, I’m expecting they’ll give us a few options to make them feel “epic”
Probably something like customization options on a shredder suit.

It also wouldn’t surprise me if Tinkers got entirely unique sounds and VFX for guns and explosions. I mean. Look at demon hunter and monk. Both classes got their share of visual love.

I’m telling you guys. Give us An Expac with Gallywix as the main Villain, and a Black and grey, militaristic army of mercenaries.

100% cooler than Shadowlands.


Yeah exactly, we already have enough bland uninspiring classes so there is no reason to add more. Great point actually

You’ve got me wanting a tinker more and more. They sound like they would be fun. :grin:

I’d love an expansion like that. If they got their parody game right they could make him like some crazy James Bond villain. lol

I agree 100%.

A Tinker class is bland and uninspiring to you.

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Grenades chucking and electrical snares and nets.

Throwing weapons.


Poisonous gas bombs.

Need I go on?

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I have no evidence, but I feel like they were cut for time.

As for ‘tinkers are boring’, clearly some people haven’t played games with a fun tinker-like class. I remember having a lot of fun on my Engineer in Torchlight 2, for example. It’s like, imagine all the crazy stuff a steampunk-ish engineer-y class could do and then imagine Blizzard actually does that. It could be boring as dook if they half-dooker it, but it could also be amazing.

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Blizz said they wouldn’t add a bard years ago I’m pretty sure. Something along the lines of it doesn’t don’t fit wow’s fantasy or lore.

In a world filled with dragons, demons, magic, etc, yeah a dude in a robot suit with guns is about as generic and bland as you can get.

This from the literal “sore thumb” class of the game lmao.

I love how many people go full jerk mode, seeking to keep things out of the game simply because they don’t like it personally, but you take it to a whole new level by insinuating that one of two reasons it shouldn’t be is because other people will be let down?!

Players: we really want to see this class

Forum genius: don’t listen to them, they’ll just be disappointed because it isn’t a surprise…


Oh, because dragon. demon and magic are totally new and inspiring… Seem like i was spot on:

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It’s not limited to that lol. That’s the point of fantasy, there are no limits. Tinkerer however is literally a robot suit, it could be cool but not nearly as cool as creating a completely new fantasy based class.

I’ll do you one even better:

Tinker Healers would BE the Alchemist Hero throwing out potions at people.

You’re welcome.

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