Tinker, because we need an Electric Type

I read this and all I take away is that they need to buff Elemental Shaman and make Thunder Clap baseline for all Warrior specs again.

The fact that you don’t think this is cool is hilarious to me.

I Think it would be super cool to get in a mech, and launch rockets at people. And It would fit right in with WarCraft’s wacky style.

Monk is plenty popular, It’s actually my favorite class and has a loyal fanbase. I can see why you’re worried about it being race restricted, I hope that doesn’t happen.

It could be restricted off a few races, but It should definetly be more than Goblins and Gnomes.


It is cool but for a game that has so many insane fantasy elements tied to it I expect a new class to take advantage of that.

A robot suit with guns could exist anywhere, I want a class that pushes the fantasy boundaries.

Mechagnome paladins because they create electricity and electricity is light

Counterpoint, World of Warcraft’s absurd technology is a part of its insane fantasy elements.

Ulduar was actually a Titan supercomputer.
Gnomes are equivalent to sentient computer RAM.
Kael’Thas and his blood elves seized control of an Alien Mothership.
King Mechagon even built an Arc Reactor so powerful it could reoriginate the planet and reverse the curse of flesh.

I Think that World of WarCraft makes crazy over-the-top technology a core part of the fantasy we experience as players. It’s a little silly, but it’s absolutely something that makes wow unique and special.

World of WarCraft’s guns and mechs are so heavily stylized though. Sure there’s plenty of guns and mechs in other games, but nothing has the same style as WoW.

Especially when you consider that WoW’s class roster doesn’t touch on ANY of this stuff.


I would argue that wow mechs has some of the lamest and most boring designs when compared to other mech games though.


WoW has never been traditional fantasy. It’s way more medieval steampunk than anything.


Alot of races are descendent from mechanical beings. As we see the first ones look very mechanical in nature as well, so the gods of the universe seem to be mechanical beings, and eventually flesh (carbon based) life forms arose froms stuff like the curse of flesh.

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I mean, that’s fine. I suppose.

I like the goofy style and the arms shapeshifting into shredder blades or cannons and such. Also, most Tinker bosses we encounter pop out of the mechs when we destroy them, which is endlessly hilarious to me.

How about this, Krad?
Before they gave Demon Hunters to the players, the design of demon hunter NPCs was very simple. It was just an elf with blindfold and tattoos. But once we got PLAYABLE demon hunters, they really went above and beyond. Wings like illidan, lots of unique skin tones, unique mobility, ETC.

I Imagine, If we got a Tinker Class, that the mechs that WE get would be a little more interesting than the same copy and pasted shredders we see.


Totally agree.

No Tinkers because:

  • the idea of a tinker is cringey AF
  • it won’t be surprising to the general playerbase which will let people down

To be honest I always thought of Illidan when I pictured a DH so I never thought of them as boring.

I suppose tinkerer could be cool if they really get crazy with it. Have a ton of different weapons and attachments that pop out of the suit. You could potentially give tinkerers any type of ability because it would just be a suit modification.

The gameplay probably would probably be fun so I’ll give you that but for me personally I just hate the aesthetic and also I have a feeling it would be a goblin/gnome only class which would be awful.

Rather than a new class I would rather see classes start getting 4th specs, just no more melee dps please.

Well. If you picture death knights. There’s obviously Arthas. But there’s also NPC’s like Thassarian which aren’t nearly as cool or powerful. Player Death Knights are somewhere in between.

If you Picture Demon Hunters, there’s obviously Illidan. But then there’s NPC’s like Loramus Thalipedes, which aren’t as cool or powerful. Our player character DH is somewhere in between.

So you could apply the same logic to Tinkers. We probably wouldn’t be flying around in a mech, firing exploding sheep like mekkatorque. But we’d be a cut above characters like Sneed or Gazlowe.

I concur. If they made it Goblin and Gnome exclusive. That would be a huge mistake. Especially considering we’ve seen tinkers as lots of races.

And, personally I’d love the tinker aesthetic. But that’s subjective. I can’t stand the Death Knight aesthetic for example.

Do you consider pandas to be Sci fi

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Don’t play one


No offense to the Tinker fans, but no one has suggested anything about a Tinker that seems interesting or fun or unique. It’s just old stuff recycled with a mech suit or spy gadgets or more engineering stuff.

What would the point be? Where would the thrill be? There has to be more of a draw than, oh, I can do electrical stuff, or hey it’s mechanical themed attacks instead of any other thing.

If we ever get another class
 it might be the last class that’s introduced to WoW, and I don’t want to settle for a Tinker class, but if I had to
 I at least want it to be interesting and no suggestions even come close to that.

The idea that Blizzard might listen to the playerbase and make a Tinker or Bard class is disappointing enough as is

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The Island Expedition teams had a Healer that could shoot their Allies to heal, and throw healing grenades.

A ranged DPS that focused on guns, Turrets, and missiles, and bombs.

And a Tank in a shredder suit.

I think those are 3 pretty good concepts, especially considering they’d be thematically unique to existing classes.

It would also finally give us a new Intellect class. And finally give us a new ranged DPS.

Really this :point_up:

Pandaren Brewmasters where already a thing in WarCraft 3. And people still like to pretend blizzard just created them out of thin air.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Blizzard will steal anything they can from WC3 and that includes tinkers. Hopefully


I want a tinker class so I can make one and name it Pikachu.


Since the “ranged” slot was eliminated, Guns, Bows, and Crossbows have been relevant to one single class (and Throwing Weapons have entirely ceased to exist). This has only gotten worse with some squeeze head thinking “melee hunters” should be anything more than a dumb meme.

Whatever class theme is chosen, it really needs to be something that uses ranged weapons. Tinker would be a superb choice for this.