Tinker, because we need an Electric Type

That’s a profession, not a class, Silly! :slight_smile:


they should add tinker class in the same expansion as leatherworker class


You mean necromancer? Since were making weird equivocations?

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u reaching

Yes they do, why don’t you like shammy lightning :frowning:

Also what is this, Pokemon

But nah, personally I’d rather not have tinkers in warcraft. Mecha-gnomes make me sick enough as it is

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So what you are saying is PoPo is our sneak peak at what the new class will do? I’m very excited

Shaman have lightning.

So, which professor would we have to talk to to get our first characters?

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All new classes have my vote :+1:


Just give me a turret class :sunglasses:


I’d love a new class, we are long overdue for one! Two expansions with no new class is unacceptable, especially with the competition game getting multiple new classes each expansion.

I would love to see Tinkers in the game! Alchemy to heal, and robotics and/or explosives to deal dps (a pet class and a ranged dps class).

I think tank should get a break this time, seeing as every new class so far has had a tank spec.


Looks at chain lightning, lightning bolt, stormstrike, crash lightning, maelstrom weapon… hmmm ok.

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Personally I wouldn’t play Tinker, but I’m definitely not against more classes being introduced, I’m all for more choices, I hope Tinker and more become available!!

The Warcraft Universe is huge, the more the merrier I say!.


Which existing spec in game is the mech-suit spec?


I just dont think tinker would be all that popular(like monk). I imagine it would be another race restricted class and I’m just kind of over those after demon hunter.

I would prefer they do something new like a chronomancer. Could do time reverses for a heal spec and offensice time magic for dps and doesnt really tread on other classes rp

That ship has sailed. Just look at 9.2.

I am pretty sure the WoW devs don’t know how to do traditional fantasy any more.

Hold up, wouldnt tinkers be steel type with maybe some electric? Also whats with allthe shaman hate lately? Were totally electric types

What exactly is the relation between having a fire and water type and that means we “just” need an electric type? I’m confused what makes these 3 go together.

Why wouldn’t we just need an air and earth type first?

Please no, tinker is so boring and uninspiring. Just a person that jumps in a robot suit and throws bombs at people lol.

If they add a new class it should be heavily fantasy themed.

new class theme ability