Timewarped quest items not dropping from Timewalking Dungeons

This seemed plausible, so I took the time to do this tonight. I hunted down every timewarped item I had forgot to turn in on random alts. I found three. Two from Cata timewalking, one from WOTLK timewalking. So I deleted and ran timewalking on this character yet again. Sadly, in my case, the result is the same: My boosted character did not receive any timewarped quest item.

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It’s not just boosted characters. Also the patch notes said this would be fixed. It is most definitely not fixed!

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For some people it’s boosted characters only (as in my case), and for others it is not. So either they have something in common, or there are actually two separate but similar issues happening at once. I think either scenario is equally likely!

Having the same issue here. 24 unboosted characters will receive the timewalking drop each week, but the two characters boosted from collector’s edition packs will not receive the drop. Using these boosts have been a buggy fiasco.


my main which is bug never use a boost. its been a mess since warband losing rep and many more bug

same problem on my toon

Having this issue on both boosted characters and non boosted characters. So many badges i’m losing /cry

Yeah it doesn’t seem to be tied to boosted characters. I got it on a boosted toon and then didn’t get it on a level 53. Its really odd.

haven’t been getting them on this character since they implemented the changes, so just before BC Timewalking. It’s my main, and not a boost.

Here, for crap and giggles, the reply to my weekly ticket :


Game Master Veororin here, thank you for reaching out to us!

To begin, I would really like to thank you for the time you took to create this ticket and let us know the inconvenience you’re having. As I can see you did not receive the item you were suppose to, after done some research I was able to find that this a known issue that our player has been reporting since a few days and our developers are already working on this to fix it as soon as possible. This bug is not only affecting the ‘‘Shimmering Timewarped Crystal’’, It is affecting others like “Shrouded Timewarped Coin”.

I hope you can understand that we as Customer Support don’t have the power to add, delete, modify something in-game, that’s only something our developers have the power to do but I promise I will do my best to share this issue to our developers to let them know this is still causing problems to our players. But what I kindly ask you to submit a bug report too in our forums or inside the game to work together in this issue and solve it in the less time possible, here the link:

https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000015043<> />
I know this is not the answer you were waiting for and I understand the discomfort this may cause you but I hope you can understand our restrictions, policies and procedures as well.

“Since a few days”. Wtf, IT’S BEEN MONTHS.


For some it isn’t, but for me (and many in this thread) it certainly is. If anyone is reading this and DOES have a boosted character specifically from a Dragonflight or TWW purchase, I would love for you to test and report here if the quest item drops from that character!

EDIT: Also say whether this character was made specifically for the boost, or was also leveled past a certain point, if you can remember!

This seems to be the standard response (word for word/ copy-paste) for so many tickets nowadays…grrr

I have the same issue…not receiving the TW badge quest on some toons

Yeah I been getting this bug too case agian two some my alts been boosted case (What would I Do) and now I can’t seem do any thing about it… they need lesson the harshness of boost char… Just let it go.

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since a few days lmao. I dont even bother running these anymore because its a total crap show if youre going to actually get the item or not. 20+ minute queues+dungeon time just to get boned over on an issue theyve known about for months and seem to be INCAPABLE of figuring it out its pathetic.

What is the minimum level requirement to get the one time per event quest to drop off the final boss? I have seen different responses online from lvl 10 to lvl 30 so unsure what the true answer is, and the bug makes it even harder to test/figure out. I’ve been running TW dungeons on a bunch of toons and I’ve been able to get it for most of my toons besides any that are level 10-17 The lowest level toon I have besides the mentioned 10-17 ones is a lvl 36 which I was able to get the quest reward on. I have some random lvl 20s that I am going to try next and see.

Bumping to say this is still bugged 1/19/25 and has been all week during Warlords timewalking for my Druid and Shaman. Both were also bugged last week.

If you look at the Nov 24th patch notes under Timewalking Blizzard says you must now be level 30 or higher to get the weekly quest turn-in item: The War Within Hotfixes - January 14

Ok cool thank you. So that at least makes it easier to know that any toon below 30 isn’t bugged. I just ran some TW dungeons on an older boosted toon thats level 69 and didn’t get the one-time per event quest drop from final dungeon boss (and yes made sure I did not have anything in my bank etc. I’ve never ran any TW dungeons on this toon prior to today). So confirmed that this bug is still plaguing a lot of people on 1/20/2025.

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Just came across the same issue while running alts through timewalking.
The character which is not getting the quest item is a boosted level 70 toon.

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I have bugged alts, none of which are boosted & all are fresh lvl 80’s :frowning: