Timewarped quest items not dropping from Timewalking Dungeons

Every week I run a timewalking dungeon with this character (Yuting), and every week the one-time quest turn in never drops for her. This week, the Shrouded Timewarped Coin did not drop from the last boss of her first timewalking dungeon, so I ran 6 more, level capped her, and ran it again. It never drops. I can’t use this character to get timewalking badges because the Timewarped quest item is NEVER on the boss’s corpse, each and every week.

I have this same issue on a second character of mine, and the thing they both have in common: I am fairly certain they were both level boosted from fresh creation with my expansion purchases. Possibly related? Maybe some character flag isn’t enabled?

EDIT: I just want to retroactively clarify that plenty of people are also having their unboosted characters impacted, a lot of them very old characters. I still think there’s a reason it’s only boosties for some (like me) and not for others, but it’s all speculation while we wait and wait and wait for some kind of communication from Blizzard.

EDIT 1/14/2025: Still broken. WOD timewalking dungeons not dropping the quest item for my boosted characters.

EDIT 1/21/2025: Still broken. Legion timewalking dungeons not dropping the quest item for my boosted characters. Also, some players in this thread have reported that they have non-boosted characters that also don’t receive the quest item drops. There may be two different but related issues right now, but there’s certainly a clear pattern of boosted characters not receiving the timewarped quest item for many players.

EDIT 1/28/2025: Still broken. Classic timewalking dungeons not dropping the quest item for my boosted characters. That makes the full circuit with no drops, in my case. Some people are having them not drop even for unboosted characters, too, I would point out.

EDIT 2/5/2025: Burning Crusade timewalking, still broken.

EDIT 2/11/2025: Wrath of the Lich King timewalking, still broken. All further testing will be done on my boosted mage, Sabrathel.

EDIT 2/18/2025: Cataclysm timewalking, still broken.


And you’re certain neither of the affected characters have the coin in their banks? It’s unique, so it won’t drop again if you already possess one.


In fact, that was one of the first things I checked this week because a lot of people seemed to just be overlooking the item. But I’ve checked, and it’s no where. I’ve used addons to make double sure. I ran the command line that also checks if I’ve done the quest associated with the item and just consistently forget every week, and it always comes back false.

I have the same issue. My character is old and not a boost. It started doing that when they nerfed the rewards during the Anniversary event, so that low level characters wouldn’t get any loot.

My last ticket response :
Hey there, I am aware that there have been some reports for the same issue. it’s not only the Coin that is being affected but other Timewarped items as well. We know this is not working as intended and other players have workaround this issue by doing it on other characters because for some reason the bug applies to specific character and we haven’t determined the source.

We apologize for the inconveniences presented, we do not have any updates at the moment. We are waiting for more reliable information. Hope I was able to clarified the matter, take care.


I am also having this issue. I haven’t received the timewarped item quest from dungeon bosses in over 2 months. I have created several bug reports and have not received a response from any of them. This has been a consistent issue.


My hunter can’t get the coin, my other characters so far are not affected.


I have this too on 2 out of 26 characters. I believe the two with the problem were boosted using the boost included with expansion purchases, and the other 24 were not, although it’s possible my memory is off.

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The hotfix did not fix this bug for me. I still can’t get my timewarped quest item.


The hotfix did not fix it for me. Just ran one, still no coin. It’s not in my bags or bank, I don’t have another version of the item, just no drop/quest. :confused:

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I saw there was a hotfix, so I ran yet another on this monk. But, as expected, still no coin dropped for me after said hotfix.

This has been an issue for me for months. I really think it has to do with these two characters of mine having been boosted, and nothing specific to this event. Perhaps there was a second issue that caused the coin to not drop for some, completely unrelated to my issue.

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I just created and used an old level 60 boost on a character yesterday. Ran a couple timewalking dungeons on that character today and received no quest item. So there may be something to your theory about boosted characters being a problem.

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Yeah my toon that I used a lvl 60 boost on did not get the quest item. Every other toon I ran through pandaria timewalking this week got the quest item and none of those were boosted toons so that theory seems to check out.

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So I went ahead and did WOD timewalking before my main just to confirm. And yes, once again, the timewalking quest item, “Shimmering Timewarped Crystal”, did not drop for this character specifically. This boosted character is still bugged. (Everyone else in my group got the item.)

It’s not just boosted characters, friends in game also aren’t getting it on some alts that they did not boost. Looks like the issue is still on-going as the hotfix has not righted things.

Just experienced this on a monk that I boosted in Dragonflight. Did three TW dungeons and no quest item dropped

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So i have been having this issue myself but i may have fixed it. Note I received no Quest item for doing dungeons last week (Mists of Pandaria). And Same thing was happening this week (Warlords) I went through ALL my characters that could have ever done timewalking before and Found, a Mists of Pandaria Timewarped quest item ( Deleted). The WoD item ( Shimmering TimeWarped Crystal) which i accepted the quest and turned it it for 500 badges. I also found a Cata Quest Item for Timewarped badges to Turn in which i deleted. I then did a dungeon on a character that has not run a time walker dungeon this week and that character recieved the item to turn in for 200 badges. I am uncertain if it was because i had a quest item for this week and turned it in or because i deleted / used ALL Time warped quest items on all my characters. But that is what i did to resolve the issue. I hope this helps

I’m also not seeing the coin drop. The character in question is not boosted, but is an allied race (zandalari).

One of my 60 characters might have a coin in their inventory. I hope that’s not preventing other characters from getting one.

Same character didn’t get the weekly turn-in again this week. Character isn’t boosted, is a Velf hunter.

Same my main Character Xastral-Zul’jin has been stuck with that bug since the anniversary. I Been told by gm that I have not done any timewalker but I got the Big turbulence Buff xD its sad missing so many Badge and not being heard. I tried most thing the only thing that could fix it from what I heard its switching server to change your GUID, but I don’t feel paying to fix their incompetence

I ran another dungeon on my boosted druid today and they still didn’t get the weekly turn-in drop. This after getting the items just fine on non boosted characters the past couple days.

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