Timewarped badges missing and TW glitched

So today…has been rough playing wow… my badges are gone and i had about 2.5k of them. Also looting in TW dungeons caused me to DC and not get the loot. I also had problems just questing with character name change glitch.

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Happening across the board with everything. WoW is currently unplayable.

Tried transferring 10k tw badges and they poofed. neither toon has them now. Also just tried to buy the new mount and nothing happened.

Just gonna log back out before my PC catches fire or something.

Wednesday maintenance posted on launcher, 7-8am PST.
I wouldn’t count on getting lost TW badges when realms come back up, but maybe there will be a midweek miracle.

well im gonna be a little pissed to lose 15k tw badges.

Saw someone post they lost 60k.
Maybe they investigate and the numbers are so bad they do something about it, but that “investigation” would probably take a while.

I wont hold my breath.

I got my badges back by opening a ticket