Timewalking Weekly Quest Not "Staying"

I am having a very weird issue. I accept the timewalking dungeon weekly quest (AKA complete 5 of them). But, then, after going anywhere that requires a server change - the quest disappears from my quest list. It’s like it was never there.

What is also weird is if I enter a TW group, it pops and asks if I want to accept that quest and it starts me with 0/5 completed (even if I have completed more).

Super weird.

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It’s a bug. Make sure you add your voice to the Bug Reports forum.


Yep, it will be removed from your log any time you use a portal or LFG etc… Basically anything that gives you a load screen from my experience.

Not worth doing them at the moment if your goal is the box.

One and done this week it seems.

What is odd… If you happen to have alts that had this quest in their log unfinished from last fortnight, it still works as intended.

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Thank you. I always forget the bug report forum exists.

In case others are looking: Quest Bug - An Original Journey Through Time

Man, I can commiserate with the devs sometimes, but a bug to something that has been running smoothly for…a very long time…does make me really wonder what’s happening dev land over there. :disappointed_relieved: