Timewalking Scaling

To be fair, it’s on par with what it should be: heroic dungeon ilevel.

Please review your m+ decisions and scale down RW damage in there.
thanks - the majority of the community.

I think y’all overfixed the scaling. Funniest TWing scaling I’ve seen ever. Everyting just melts now.

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This is unessessary if you can’t make your point without making insults it’s not a good point

Ok so they are going to need the dungeon well that’s good I guess

Im kinda scared to enter timewalking if it’s also hitting hard despite gear scaling. Unless gear was scaling us down to WoD levels and hitting at DF levels O.O

Save the insults for the mirror because I’m not you

You LITERALLY can’t say anything about “insults” when your first response to this thread was essentially “git gud”.


No that’s not what it was it was a statement of FACT that people now want to zoom zoom zoom through dungeons is that a fact or not

Are you even paying ANY attention to anything in this thread or just responding when you think people just want to destroy everything?

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Who wants to destroy something what

But that Is the mental is dint you agree

That’s not an insult, that’s an observation.


I guess we observations aren’t subjective

Hi Sanq, just a follow-up that it would appear that Mortar, on the second boss in GD, is still doing a 1-shot. Our WW was hit for upwards of 55k overkill. Everything else in GD felt like it should for a TW, face roll with gear. It’s also nice to have 14k HP rather than 7.7k :).

I haven’t personally tested Skyreach, only GD where the first and second boss were brutal walls without a brez class, but GD felt way better with their hotfix other than the Mortar still 1-shotting but everything else felt tame like a TW should feel.

I think you’re mostly safe to jump into them now.

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Imagine being this full of yourself that within seconds of Blizzard confirming that the dungeons aren’t scaling correctly, making them much harder than intended… You make yourself look like an elitist 45 year old child. Funniest thing I’ve seen all day.

Maybe you should git gud with some social skills bro.


So B Team phoned it in again… Do you guys even run stuff through QA anymore?

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Dragonflight dungeons have far more mechanics, it’s just that old dungeons scaling is broken. This is not news. Any dungeons older than BfA have been very punishing for several years due to scaling being broken, and this expac broke BfA too

Why do you feel like being inflammatory and rude (and wrong) is going to get a response? Or are you just intentionally trying to make the day of the person engaging with the community voluntarily worse?