Timewalking Scaling

Just healed a GrimRail… it was hard forsure. Im signing up for a timewalking dungeon not a Grimrail 15+. Yes we completed it yes we followed mechanics. Yes it needs to be tuned down a bit.

Ah so you want to double down on your baffoonery!! ok!


Thanks for the quick turn around Sanq; look forward to the hotfix.

I don’t go up to a blue and tell them for “better” rewards.

Especially in a place like this.

Not only are the dungeons off, but some of the DF trinkets are literally 1 shotting bosses.
3rd boss in Slag Mines died so fast my details didn’t even register what happened.

The other bosses were being chunked for 50%+ of their HP by the Trinket, Decoration of Flame.

I saw something like this in BFA with the mechagon rings. The healing ring used normal level healing procs so the party was being brought up to full health every few seconds.

A blue response :scream:

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So reading the journal is going to fix the fact that a boss I defeated on Tyrannical +23 in SL without an issue but that same boss is 1-shotting me in a TW Heroic dungeon?

Care to explain how that helps?


Good for you?

What kind of place do you recommend for it?

Prime example right here I say learn the mechanics and that is all you can say must be a shadowlands baby

How about…

Not on these forums?

Scaling is different


Maybe try their office or mobile?

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If you want to be creepy like that sure.

I really fail to see how its funny.

Trinket scaling is a known problem. There was one in SL that would do absurd damage that would allow you to do like 2-3k dps more than anyone else. That’s less of a concern than a TW dungeon feeling like you’re doing a +20 key.

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This seems entirely plausible.

Do you guys even equip timewalking gearsets? like your Heart of Azeoth, old legendaries ect. Makes you do like 10x as much damage in timewalking.

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Of course, you do.

Yes scaling is different and is precisely the reason why some boss mechanics are 1-shotting tanks, because something isn’t scaling properly just as the Blizzard employee posted above. It’s one in the same.

But again, that doesn’t change the fact that if I can do the boss a +23 Tyrannical, reading the journal clearly doesn’t apply here and its a scaling problem, not a L2P issue as you want to proclaim in this thread.

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I just did 7 TW dungeons and didn’t get either of these. lol

Grimrail scaling is probably broken because it was in the dungeon rotation, but I don’t know why Skyreach would be unless… it’s going to be in a future M+ rotation.