Timewalking scaling needs fixed

How did it become so broken?

Scaling is so busted for low level characters, to the point it isn’t even fun for anyone placed in a group with them. Nobody even gets the chance to do damage or participate when there’s a low level character in the party.

You end up just standing there while a lvl 11 monk AoE’s down an entire dungeon with spinning crane kick (bosses included) because the scaling is absolutely awful.

It isn’t fun, it’s just boring and a snooze fest


I think you may have met a twink farming the bronze on a low level character.

I made a low level Protection Warrior and couldn’t AoE properly had to hit em enough to get rage to whirlwind. It was miserable.

But occasionally you’ll see a level 10 or 11 Druid or Monk with a bandana status icon (aka cp locked) going in your dungeon. They usually have the slime trinket from Shadowlands, leech enchanted gear and WoD ‘Warforged’ gear. Turns them into little solo machines.

And dangerous. I’m not even sure anymore how many times I got one-shot (by trash!) in last weeks’s five TW dungeons. Seven, eight…more, I think. Mana Tombs (got it twice) was particularly brutal.

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Yeah the warrior mobs in mana tombs can shield bash for 5mil.

Had to check my combat log because I had no idea how I died

As predicted

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whispers to himeself how do i lose levels?

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Welcome to MoP Remix 2.0 lol.


Had a lvl 11 fury warrior in the group the other day. His life steal procs off his two swords were doing the vast majority of his damage. He out dpsed everyone including my 615 ilvl paladin.

During a headless horseman run, had a lvl 10 or something druid who’s starfall did over 90% of his dps and he topped the meter.

Also tons of damage scaling issues as well. Love watching my pally get popped dead in a split second at times.


Been like this for a while, that’s how the leveling boosts have gone for Chromie Time in WoD and now it’s brought to all TW dungeons since a low level does insane damage. Honestly would like for the old scaling to be brought back so I could bring Shadowmourne out of my bank for fun.


I think the design ideas is that low level characters have less abilities and talents so you need to give them more damage to make up for that however they do so much damage!

They need to go back to the old system. It was more fun for higher characters who prepared for it and it kept lower characters from getting pounded.

This was already the case. There were some awkward levels where it was not perfect, but even then it was much smoother. I never had the experience like I did this time where my tank went from thrashing and crashing huge pulls to getting full on globaled by a single boss for gaining a single level.

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Because it’s not Timewalking scaling anymore. It’s the Chromie Time leveling scaling. And it’s been broken this way for years.

That’s because the old system scaled you down to the level of the dungeon. This new system attempts to scale the mobs up to your level. Except that the game has some really finicky ideas about what the power level of a character is supposed to be.


Yeah I understand the idea but they SEVERELY overshot the mark.

They could nerf it by 50% and low lvls would still kill everything with simple aoe spam

If a level 11 monk wants to roll through a dungeon I’ve done hundreds of times I’m all for it.

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Prot warriors are an exception to the rule OP is speaking of.
I’ve probably leveled 10+ prot warriors past level 20, I would know.

As someone that now has 5 level 10 n 11 xp frozen characters, enjoy the carry, sweetcheeks.



Oh I’m well aware of how it “works.”

This was the only thing “wrong” with the old system and in an attempt to make it better, made it substantially worse. :roll_eyes:

I don’t actually need anything from Timewalking, but I wanted to do the weekly quest anyway just for fun and to revisit the old 5-man dungeons again. I mean, that’s supposed to be a huge part of the point of Timewalking, right?

After one run, seeing how horrific both the incoming and outgoing damage patterns were… yeah, I was done. It wasn’t difficult, it was simply broken. Not broken in a fun way, but broken in an obnoxious and very unfun way.

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That’s my issue with it. It’s only fun for some people, while other people who have invested in leveling a character to max are essentially sidelined because the low lvls do so much damage you can’t even participate.

If I wanted a carry then sure it’s great but sometimes I actually want to play my character

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