it took out the main problem of p1 of the fight as it disabled the aura so no max hp debuff stacks, so 100% uptime of all damage on Inquis
I did not say I’m going to quit, I said I’m not doing mage tower cause of it, and you think what you want that’s your opinions I have mine
There’s no need to throw stones at people you have no idea of what I do or how I am in real life
I know the exploit. It’s not a big deal because P1 is easy and not the hard part. P2 DPS check is the hard part for bear.
Careful man, you might get jumped by GD’ers for pointing this out
congratulations to the 6% of you who did achieve a complete mage tower, you have arrived. you are in the Top Tier your life can’t get any better.
Me I didn’t care cause the rewards sucked and the Shenanigans needed to go farm other gear from other contents showed to me poor design and lacked any real thought put into it.
maybe, the problem was in removing borrowed powers and that’s what hurt a little bit, no matter if Rextroy did it naked, or a tauren without shapeshifter, but the love was how it should look like in Legion,.
After all it should be seen as a TW and not as a content of this expansion.
MT didn’t catch my interest at all. Legion M+, though, I couldn’t stop doing that. Half my set is still Legion TW items and I loves them and will be very sad to see them go when they are replaced with random junk in 9.2.
Junk in 9.2? Nah that’s impossible! It will be the best gear and designs That Blizzard has determined you will have!
Nah had to do entirely with certain specs and classes being far easier than others, and certain gear sets and enchants that could completely alter the experience. Not to mention it was balanced with being level 60 in mind, not level 45 despite you being able to try at level 45.
I thought MT TW was stupid, why scale it? Why not just balance it to be level 60 full ilvl so it would work more like original MT? In scaled MT you could cheese it to be easier than intended, if they just made it like ~240 ilvl balanced it could only be cheesed by a few percent with mythic raid gear and everyone could have done it. Making a whole event around getting people to go buy MoP weapons and putting crusader on them and having a few weeks of sales of obsolete potions, just seemed intended to be irritating.
This was the hard part of this event. Did I want to play one amazing piece of content or another? I ended up doing a bit of Legion Timewalking but nearly as much as I wanted because of the urgency of Mage Tower.
Personally, I more wanted them to do templates in the style of how classes/specs were in Legion. Artifact weapons and Legendaries even, letting you choose which legendary to use and which ‘stat templates’ to pick from. Vers/haste, etc. Would let people see and feel how classes/specs played in Legion with Artfiacts and a legendary, perhaps ones they didn’t get to play in the original MT and for those that missed out. Plus those that thought many specs/classes played better in Legion during MT than now.
It’s always adorable when people pull “promises” out of their rear-ends just so they can pretend the devs broke them.
Have you considered how many people never even bothered because we “been there, done that”?
I didn’t care for it the first time around and I wasn’t going to waste my time for things I’ll never use.
The new bear form looks goofy and I already have the cool ones from legion, you can get TOS mogs in their OG colors while watching a movie and drinking coffee. It was just pointless to introduce it in the first place.
You can attempt the Mage Tower and fail like a hundred times and still enjoy it and look forward to attempting it more in the future, so I don’t think the six percent thing indicates that the event was a failure.
I don’t like the fact that we’re never going to have another four week chunk of time to play it because it’s only going to be up for one week at a time a few times a year, when I think it should be up at least as often as it was in Legion.
I got it on 3 toons.
A lot of people had fun, and the people that struggled either ground it out and finished it, or didn’t.
That’s exactly what mage tower is supposed to be. Not a “free transmog” thing.
It was great success. Means more people will do it the next time it comes out
Or availability. I only had a few evenings available to put time into the holy priest challenge, thanks to the timing of it with the holidays, EW release, and being unable to reschedule real life.
I wonder what the completion percentage is for vMA and vVH in ESO…
If I had to bet, it’s probably less than 6%
(Those are the solo challenge arenas in ESO for those that are unfamiliar. Similair in concept to the mage tower)
I’d personally rather difficult content that strives me to push forward and earn a fantastic award - than a paid service. If it was easy it’d also cheapen the reward.
Like for instance - I much prefer mounts of lower quality earnt from raids or hard earnt achievements than say a fantastically-modeled one from the mount store.
Those games aren’t without difficult-to-earn appearance objectives either. For example, FF14 has the Relic Weapon Questlines which prove quite tedious and at times frustrating.
6% of total players or 6% of players who attempted?