Timewalking Dungeon EXP nerf

Why wouldn’t I? I’ve had 'em all running before. … in fact, it’s why I have so many in the first place. I like running alts, and I used to like leveling as it was before. I think I started making new accounts in… hhmm… MoP maybe?

And, no, it wasn’t that fast, but it was massively faster than the utter slog there is now.

Shadowlands leveling is NOT fun. It is horrid. Having to do it multiple times just makes me dislike the content more. How is that healthy for this game?

I’m on the other side of the fence. I think SL leveling is fun… the first 12 times I did it. Now I’m over it. Add on top of that the fact they won’t let us skip that STUPID Maw intro that takes a minimum of 40 minutes to complete (mount or not).

I just wish I could go back to herbing my way to max level or doing pet battle dailies. They didn’t have to nerf it all.


I’m sorry your exploit got hotfixed. Who would have imagined that would happen?!

This is a thing I don’t get. Why take away choices. Why? It makes no good sense. Of course different people are going to want to play different ways. That’s just human nature, and it makes sense to have different ways of doing things.

Not having those choices makes things not fun, to me. I feel like I’m being led by the nose, through something I disliked the first few times. That doesn’t feel good to me, it feels horribad. And feeling horribad does not make me want to play more than I currently am. Today, in fact, I’ve played less.

idk… this just bothered me on a whole lot of levels. It’s like, give me a good reason to make alts and play the way I want to play, and I’ll make more accounts to make more paladins. But start squeezing every drop of enjoyment out of things… and why even bother?

gah. this is so frustrating.



Honestly the nerf to TW wouldn’t have bothered me so much if it wasn’t just another check on a long list of alternative leveling paths they have already nerfed for Shadowlands.

In the past, one of my favorite things to do was get a few levels with my alts collecting candy buckets, putting out fires and talking to elders. Then I would buy all the holiday pets and sell them for a lot of money. I could still do it but a big part of the enjoyment was killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.


Heh, I used to love doing that, even before flying was a thing. It was a very immersive feeling, to go back through old leveling content and see the old quest hubs as a high level muckety-muck lol.

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News flash, the game isn’t fun. The TW content is nerfed to keep everything consistent. Consistently annoying and boring.

Gotta give them credit for being consistent in BFA and SL.


People wouldn’t complain as much as they do, if Blizzard set their priority on fixing ALL bugs, not just the ones that could potentially affect their engagement metrics or cost them a bit of profit.

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Do you have definitive proof this is why they did this? Until you do, all you are doing is speculating.

What proof do I need? A blind person could see it.

Explain to me why they can’t find the time to ban illegal boosters in the Premade Group, which has been flooded with WTS groups for months, why they can’t find the time to fix old content scaling, which has been an issue for over a year and so many other bugs and issues this broken expansion has, but it takes them a couple of hours to fix a bug which made people level faster.


Ahh so you do not have proof, and are just speculating, while at the same time making fun of blind people.

Maybe because they constantly create bot accounts to post that stuff?

Just because someone post the word “WTS” doesn’t mean they are a bot, and it requires an investigation to insure they do no ban innocent people.

They have over and over?

Maybe because it was an easy bug to fix?

It takes 1 person to check the group finder and ban them. It would take 5 minute to do that. That’s the easiest fix possible, but it generates profit, so they don’r enforce it.

Legion is severely broken. Don’t even get me started on BFA. Stop lying.

Also lol.

No it does not. That just shows how much you know on the matter.

Until it is proven they are bots, then they can not be banned.

I’m not having issues in either of those?

This isn’t about just bots. They have links to sites which sell boosts for REAL MONEY, which is directly against the TOS. So yes, it takes 1 person to check a group and ban the leader. So I shall refer you back to your own quote.


does not mean the scaling isn’t broken there. If it was easier to do some content when it was current, than it is now at max level, then scaling is clearly broken. Your personal experience can’t argue with actual numbers.

That forum poster does nothing more than make disparaging comments, and chooses to try to argue semantics with people to try and get them riled up. A forum troll that isn’t even entertaining.

Or… you can do what you are supposed to do and report them!

I like how you also know how blizzards system works for banning people /s

You do not know anything about blizzards internal structure and how bans work.

So again,

Well you refuse to provide examples of broken scaling?


Sounds like you are talking about personal experience as well?

You have yet to actually say what you even mean?

Weird neither do you.

Not sure where you are getting at with this?

That just bolsters my point. We know nothing of how blizzard internally works, and if they even can deal with it the way he purposes.

Maybe, but a lot of people claim to know how it works and that just reporting people actually works.

I see countless bots all the time and it isn’t getting better.

I know for a fact certain bots I’ve reported have been banned. In classic they even send you mail thanking you.

That’s because bots are getting smarter.

It’s even come to the point they are going into stealth when you target them to avoid being reported.