Timewalking Chest

The GM said the bug is fixed, but what about the people that didnt get gear at all?
I got a forbidden flounder on my weekly, and they said there’s nothing that can be done about it :L


Hope the devs decide to make a better solution to the problem tomorrow.
But since it’s a weekly, and will come around again, I wouldn’t hold my breath over it.
Better luck next time, friend.

I haven’t turned mine in yet, and will probably wait a day or two just in case.


I also received the same response from a GM.

Yes, timewalking quest will come back, but OUR TIME will not. We just lost out on a guaranteed piece of 496 champion gear, due to a bug that was outside of our control. We pay monthly for game time, who is going to compensate us for the time lost?

I hope the devs don’t leave us dry and hanging.

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Blizzard also told me to go post on the forums to see if the devs want to do anything. Blizzard is a joke.


I received a 441 Curious Curio from my chest. Sent a ticket. Was told sucks to suck but “they fixed it”. I have spent WAY too much money on this game over the last 17 years for customer service to be so bad.


The community thanks you for your last minute beta testing. Do not expect any kind of fix and maybe in the future, don’t try for a world first to do things the moment seasons/patches/expansions drop. This kind of thing happens far too often than it should and the unintending beta testers are basically just SOL in most of those cases.

I remember back in BfA, when they did whatever to essences or whatnot that was account wide, you were incentivized to login on your main/best progressed toon first so all the appropriate flags and such got set before logging into alts and looting your weekly chest…but it was never explicitly said and of course I didn’t and like half of my actively played toons were down an entire week of whatever it was.

And the fact I can’t remember just shows how ultimately inconsequential it was…just like this is too. You got screwed and it sucks, but let’s be real, it isn’t going to be the singular piece of gear that clears or causes your wipe in an encounter. You’ll be fine just like I was back then and everyone else who gets affected by a random BS quest/weekly bug.

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I still have a 359 belt (I missed most of the expansion) so a 496 chance was pretty sweet honestly

So did people the last time this happened. I’ve learned never turn in quests for rewards like that until end of the week if it’s the first weekly cache quest just after a new season starts.

You didn’t lose time. You still completed the dungeons. You want me to send you 50¢?

No doubt the reward is worth it but it was still dumb/risky for people to bum rush to do it as soon as they could. I’ve been the day 1 beta tester. It sucks but ultimately it won’t matter. Still, you can avoid it easily by just waiting for other people to trip over themselves to be the guinea pigs.

This shouldn’t even be an issue in the first place. Stuff like this happens every season and for some reason they just…don’t fix it so that it doesn’t happen anymore. Instead they choose to repeat history every season.

I can even draw parallels to Diablo IV already. Every content update they have to disable trading while they fix a ‘duplication exploit’ and it’s probably the exact same issue every time being caused by any new items they add to the game. I guess nobody left at Blizzard was ever taught that you’re supposed to fix problems, not symptoms.


Normals drop 460 Adventurer 1/8.

Heroics drop 476 Adventurer 4/8.

M0s drop 493 Champion 1/8.

Add me to the list of people who are annoyed by this. “Sorry, woops, no compensation for you” is unacceptable. Just give us another box.

The same thing happened a few months ago when randomly the Emerald Dream weeklies started dropping blue gear. No compensation then either. Unacceptable.

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They say that because the devs do check here for user feedback so it can help them.

(This one feels like a no-brainer thing to want to fix I admit, but I digress)

Completing 5 dungeons to get a normal raid loot, on a quest that won’t be back for several weeks. Meaning you could run a full normal raid and not get one piece of loot. With this quest, we are assured to get at least one piece of normal raid tier loot.

So it’s much more than just running 5 dungeons. You can keep your .50 cents and enjoy an additional two cents.

What’s your point in defending a bug that has caused grievance for a plethora of players?


It’s M0 equivalent. Go run some. And get Vault gear too.

No one is defending the bug. But they aren’t giving anyone anything. You can make up for it though. There’s nothing else to be done.

Already have and already running mythic 0’s and 2’s. Obviously, running additional dungeons as a solution, is not the reason this post was created.

The point of this forum post is to create a unified voice of grievance to get the attention of devs, to fix the problem.


I got A 395 ILVL Whispering Incarnate Idol and I’m just hoping a dev sees this and replaces it to 493 ilvl cause I feel cheated from that quest. This happened on my pally Filthybeacon


They fixed the problem. They most likely aren’t sending anyone gear. They didn’t the last time either. No sense in wasting time complaining here when they don’t care.

I agree, that it’s very much a waste of time to even bother posting on the forums to get their attention, to fix the prob. But at least I wanted to voice my concern and aggrivation.

Already have 2 496 weapon drops, 496 trinket, and 496 wrist :P, easy to gear, more so now than before. Just venting and hoping something will come of this, even though I already know the answer.

I am now reporting your posts as trolling at this point, you are doing nothing to help the situation