Timewalking Chest

Stating your paladin name here isnt gonna get them to send it. They did this before and no one was “refunded” the correct gear.

just because you disagree with their post, doesn’t mean they’re trolling.

bugs happen.
they happen with every patch.

most times, the people who get in early are the ones who benefit from the bugs.
this time, a bug worked against them and they choose to be outraged.

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Thats true, except hes typing it in every single thread, look theres already upset people over this, his comments come off as very smart aleck, not mention him saying the exact same thing in the last 5 to 6 threads ive read about the bug, thats trolling. Plain and simple

so… you’re happy to claim one person is trolling, while pretending “5 or 6 threads” about the same topic isn’t spamming?

its not spammign if your told to go to the forums to complain about it. By the very same people that created teh problem

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pretty sure people are directed to the forum to give feedback… not to complain.

and from the CoC:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

there’s no reason why people can’t keep their posting to a singular thread.

they rarely fix that stuff

I’d say if you got a flounder, that’s a sign to change mains. You been marked for bad luck eternal!

I don’t think these people aren’t here for a reality check.

I think they are here to let off some steam.

A reality check does not equal trolling.

I got a new chest! “complaining” in the forums worked :stuck_out_tongue:

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One who is skilled doesn’t need to resort to cheats like having high level gear.

Congratulations!!! Blizzard has full confidence that you are a truly skilled Vulpera.

You’re supposed to whack things with that flounder!

It’s a bummer, I was initially bummed I was working all day but by the time I logged in I saw the bugs and didn’t turn anything in.

I just wonder what the extended EXTENDED maintenance was for if things are still so broken…