No one at all is doing that. Just because you made it up for an argument doesn’t make it real.
They are right. This is one of the most entitled, Karen-y post threads I’ve even seen on the blizzard forums.
You’ve been playing this game for over 13 years. And you’re seemingly posting on an alt character because you don’t want your level of casualness to be exposed. You are renoun 10/11 with all of the major factions in The War Within, and mid-level reputations thoughout all expansions… but you have the achievement for having 5 characters at level 80… so that means you have AT LEAST 5 level 80s.
Which tells me you seem to enjoy leveling characters, or not doing end game content.
Simply put, these people are just better than you. Because they’ve learned how to properly manage their time when they’re online to farm things that they want and you haven’t.
A vast majority of people ONLY do their 5 timewalking quests for the week to get the quest reward and then they’re done for that week. That is the most efficient use of their time so they can do other things during the week - i.e. raids/mythic+/quests/mount farming/etc…
My best guess is that you play the game 2-3 hrs per day, and piddle around doing random things, and nobody cares that you do, but pretending people who are making good use of their time and being as effcient as possible are somehow “cheating and should be banned” is pathetic at best. I would truly love to see your raid/mythic+ progression on any of your characters, it would give everyone an insight on to why/how you are complaining about other people being more efficient than you.
Literally NOBODY wants to sit in a queue for 5-25 minutes to run 1 timewalking dungeon. Thats why blizzard incentivizes certain roles with satchels when that role isn’t being queued for as much as other roles. If those people also had limited playtime each day, they dont want to spend a majority of it sitting around in a queue, waiting.
By the way, this happens in real life too… for example; people wanting services done don’t just accept the first person they call saying “welp, the soonest I can build your deck is 8 months from now” - no, they call other people and see if they can get their deck built sooner. Apply that to whatever scenario you need to, to comprehend it. Normal people want things done in an efficient and timely manner, in nearly EVERY aspect of life.
The world doesn’t revolve around you, or your wants/desires my dude. It never will. The sooner you realize that? The happier you’ll be.
Yes, but even the most broken builds under the old system couldn’t compete with the low level gearing we are seeing now. The time required to make a character effective under the old system was also measured in dozens of hours instead of dozens of minutes, which meant that people looking to profit from the system mostly didn’t bother, leaving it to those who enjoyed the activity for it’s own sake.
Regardless, “Fixing” either system requires time that Blizzard has shown that they don’t want to take.
i post on alt characters because i dont want to get harassed in game when i call out mass mechanical abuse and borderline cheating on a bug report and 50 angry speedrunners or their groveling apologists come after me for bringing light to their exploiting or support of it.
This raises another concern for me as well…
I’ve been wanting to level an alt to tank with, but I won’t right now because I know after level 70 I’m gonna start getting weaker and weaker by the dungeon until I’m basically a wet noodle around 78-79 and some time around 40 the same will happen in leveling dungeons because of the scaling issue.
And I’m nervous to finish leveling my healer for the same reason, when tanks and healers are vital to a groups success but they are obviously weak at certain levels there’s an issue.
Nope, you just exposed yourself as a winy little Karen who wishes to impose their will on everyone else.
Got news for you Karen… nobody cares what you think and will continue playing the game the way they enjoy, not the way you want them to.
I would also be cranky if i played since like 2010 and only managed to do what you have been able to do. You just log in to afk ?
So a few things are happenning in those timewalking that I would like to clarify
1 - for the classic anniversary event, a lot of the dungeons were done quickly as you can skip to the last boss (usually by jumping in specific corners with a DH or going out of bounds for Stratholme - this could technically be considered an exploit but multiple twinks have reached out to Blizzard who confirmed there was no problem here
2 - Lots are using a level 70 dh on a DF only account. You can get a twink like that setup for less than 500k and then just need to run the dungeons
it’s scaling. scaling is not an exploit. go make a level 10, take off all your gear, and try to kill something. now go do that on a level 80. there is a very clear difference that has NOTHING to do with any kind of exploitation AT ALL.
also, groveling apologists? lmao if that’s how you wanna rationalize your terrible take, then by all means. you’ve been proven wrong so many times in this thread it’s hilarious.
there is a difference between a level 10, and a level 10 in all farmed and gemmed out purples XP frozen clearing an entire dungeon on their own with nothing but spinning crane kick
its very different and you know it, and the fact that you lot keep feigning ignorance or pretending a spade isnt a spade says more about you than it does about me
Yeah. Unfortunately if we removed the leaver penalty nobody would stick around without a carry character.
Arcane mage is especially crazy at that level. Honestly sometimes I just make one to blitz through Timewalking dungeons for fun lol.
The benefits of more level 80 in game vrs toons NOT lvl 80 far outweigh people complaining.
This is feigning outrage at an implementation. You people sound old, and honestly not positive for the game.
GTFO and quit sightseeing in 20 year old dungeons.
TW dungeons aren’t really meant to be slow. They’re meant to be fast catch up content, and most people see it as such. Some people just enjoy twinking to full extent - whether for PvE or PvP. It’s okay for people to enjoy thing you don’t. Just because they optimized their character for level 15 doesn’t mean they’re exploiting, there’s plenty of reasons to do so (e.g., plenty of people enjoy BGs at lower levels).
It’s also not an exploit, it’s something Blizzard has always allowed and is hardly anything. You can’t really sell runs with an xp-locked character with ease. Even if they did, if you truly want challenging/rewarding content, it does exist in the game in current content and level.
I swear, can’t win in this. If it’s too easy, it’s an exploit, but if it’s too hard, then the game’s not fair.
Here’s another angle to look at this from: Blizzard has a paid level boost service, and as such they have a monetary incentive to prevent people from leveling too fast; and the ironic thing is they have, and the current state of low level scaling is what it is today.
- People who form groups with people who have their exp turned off get a debuff that reduces their exp gain.
- If you end up with a group with a twink your que has a high chance of ‘bugging’ and will force a 3-5 minute wait.
- Blizzard has repeatedly rebalanced low level scaling via gear changes (as opposed to how the scaling itself works), and next patch TW gear will be nerfed at low levels (again)
Low levels blowing through instances has been around forever, but restricted to chromie time content. Despite Blizzard being aware of all of this they decided to make it so that low levels can que up for TW, and so for the first time you see max level characters interacting with the low level twinks. This was presumed because it was for the anniversary event, and that it would be reverted back to how it was after it was over; but seems like Blizzard has decided that this is how the TW meta should be.
pure speculation.
My fully Mythic geared level 80 can solo these TW dungeons as well. It’s only going to get stronger as TWW goes on. There is a difference between a fresh level 10 and a geared level 10. It’s called gear scaling. It’s how MMOs are built.
Had a level 11 tank smashing thru TW dungeons, being buffed by level 80 trink, apparently. And I’m totally thankful for that. I didn’t have to spend much time doing those dungeons. It’s nice to just sit back and play the game without an incessant need to complain about other people.
This is true, geared level 80’s are strong in TW dungeons, and will get stronger as the expansion goes on. But even a fresh level 10 or 11 with just heirlooms on with no enchants is stronger than most 80s (minus fury warriors, they really can’t function without the lifestealing enchants, but the resto shaman/mistweaver monks/holy priests are still strong). And if you have a fully enchanted, bis geared level 11, forget it, no 80 can compete with them.
This isn’t an exploit, in fact it’s technically by Blizzard’s design. The gear you get if you haven’t played a lower level alt in a while and choose the gear update option is actually over leveled for Timewalking. And that is still weaker than gear you would have if you’d played much content at all at the end of DF on a level 70 and then stopped playing them.
I did nothing but BGBlitz on my evoker at the end of Dragonflight and was about 490 ilvl when I went into Timewalking and was essentially able to solo it.
Another example would be the 60 warrior I gear updated. That gear was 327ilvl, just 5 ilvls below what decent starter gear was for a level 70 at the start of Dragonflight. I was able to tear through things without issue as a tank.
This makes me wish I hadn’t leveled my main from DF S4 (fury warrior with the legendary). I was 526 going into TWW and I literally ripped through everything I touched, heck didn’t see an upgrade until 80. Though I hear you can get a level 70 to about 518 with greens if you got the gold.