Twinks have been around forever (like Wrath or earlier forever). XP locking is still available in the game for multiple reasons (you can do it in Stormwind or Orgrimmar). It’s not an exploit. I have a lvl 11 warrior just to have fun and do fast runs. I like carrying groups through dungeons and just going about my day. Especially when everyone is trying to do things fast. I genuinely don’t understand why people hate twinks in dungeons when everything goes smoothly.
98% of the people who encounter my level 10/11 toons through RDF literally beg to do more queues.
The keyword here is smoothly.
I’ve heard stories of some bad apples queuing in and trying to hold the dungeon hostage for tips, which is stupid and going to ruin it for those of us that do it for fun. Those that run way ahead and just finish the dungeon at Super Saiyan Blue speed (and I get it, fast runs are the point), ruin the experience for players like OP that want to play the game.
When done correctly, twinks are awesome. When I run, I do try to go fast but slow enough to where no one gets left behind. If a player has to spend more than 3 seconds running to a boss corpse, or gets locked out of an encounter, you’re going to fast, imo. Personally I’d rather have / give a smooth, reasonably quick run rather than running from boss to boss hoping loot is there or you get credit for the quest if you’re doing the 5 dungeons.
They get nothing from doing it though. The only people that benefit are the randoms placed in the group. They are xp locked and getting nothing except gear they probably dont use. If they were to try and sell runs whoever groups with them and then ques gets a massive xp debuff so its a waste of money. Better to suffer a 10 minute que, if that, to actually get beneficial xp gains. They arent exploiting anything. Its just broken scaling.
The only i can agree with you on this is the deserter debuff. If you dont like that and dont want to play with that group you should be allowed to leave without a penalty. Or at least make it a stacking debuff. Like 1st few leaves dont result in deserter. After 5 in a short amount of time, sit 5 minutes. After 10 sit 30 minutes.
XP locked 10s speed running dungeons have been around for a few years. They normally ran WoD and then TBC, being able to run TW dungeons is new.
People have been twinking this way forever. It’s not an exploit. It’s scaling. Take advantage of it instead of hating the fact that you can clear a tw dungeon 20x faster when you match up with a twink tank. I personally love it when I’m matched in. Do you know how long tw badge farming takes if there weren’t things like this?
They don’t need gear or exp, it’s a fast farm for tw badges and you can make an alt and do it too.
so what if a player doesn’t have tww and brings a geared 70 into timewalking they should be punished?
well i see i kicked the hornets nest of exploit fans. nice. always fun to see who’s willing to throw away the integrity of the game for a bit of quick xp and gear
I mean, if it were Mythic+ or Mythic raiding I’m sure Blizz would have fixed it years ago.
This is TW dungeons. It’s badge farming for mounts/transmogs/etc. or leveling an alt. The only “high-end” gear is a random piece from a single weekly quest, and only during certain weeks. Getting five fast runs in for my welfare epic is the name of the game my friend.
Last week I had a twink tank run past mobs to leave them for everyone else, they killed last boss and had the nerve to say “you’re welcome for the quick run” and left. When the rest of us finally got to the final boss there was no corpse to loot, no loot in mailbox. All you can do is click Ignore and hope the next one is more considerate.
I agree the balancing and scaling is way off, but Blizzard can’t even be bothered to restore items/reputations/data for players anymore, so I have no hope for them figuring out scaling.
frankly weather they want to crack down on players or not is up to them, im not really worried about what they do to the players who have been exploiting the game.
im just calling for them to fix the scaling where its broken. or remove the leaver penalty so i dont have to endure a half hour time out every time i dont want to sit through a babysitting run with one of these players twittling my thumbs while they blow through the content like they have GM mode on
i would be fine with either solution. i just dont want to be forced to sit through frankly humiliating runs where i cant even play the game i’m paying to play.
Is this a problem for new players? I can’t imagine lvling my 3 or 4th toon and not being happy to get a free carry.
Sad stuff… All those mean twinks ruining everyone epic Timewalking experiences. I truly am sorry to hear that. I’m glad that you have this safe space to come and cry about it tho.
Head Pats Hope that makes it allll better.
No, it’s not.
It’s been like this for months now.
Blizzard are like Willie from the Simpsons with this ‘issue’ essentially:
“Willie hears ya.”
“Willie don’t care.”
Wait, I thought you couldn’t transfer to an account that had a higher upgrade. Like you could transfer up, not down. Did they change that?
hello first time poster here
Id like to point some stuff out:
10/11s xplooked twinks have been around for several expansions.
10/11s have been nerfed hard twice since dragonflight
the stamina and healer rework cut out roughly 40 to 60% of the health pool for 10/11 toons
when TWW started the ilvl squish took warforged gear away from 10/11s toons. before a level 11 would see ilvl61 warforged gear which was down to 35 after TWW started.
I hope u have a nice day
I’m so tired of this, it’s not the players problem if Blizzard incorporates bad changes. We all consume the same product but it’s not my problem that blizzard can’t test and validate that’s actually what they want.
I have a friend that does this as a free service to the guildies on his guild to help them. It’s nice being able to get through the leveling process faster. Wow leveling is busted up as it is.
I swear people will complain about anything in the forums. This person is turning a 30 minute run into a few minutes at your convenience but for some reason you’re mad about it?.. Okay.
Who cares the job gets done faster