Timewalking broken/exploits

Yes & Yes!

It’s not about the finish line time even if I’ve done the dungeon 1000 times. I want to be able to play. So the dungeon takes 8 minutes instead of 4 minutes. I want to be able to play the game. When one of these level 10ish twink tanks or DPS is in the instance the other 4 players are held hostage and can only follow. I would rather play a different MMORPG if this is how every single dungeon I queue up for is going to be. Unless of course it’s an M+10 or above and then it’s an entirely different set of toxic, sweaty, and smelly issues to deal with.

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Yikes, sounds like you should be running with 4 like minded friends. As that’s just not how random dungeons work. It’s majority rule, and unless you can get 2 or more others to agree with you and to vote kick the twink, your opinion isn’t relevant.

This isn’t even sweat, it’s just people leveling alts they’ve returned to that have gear from the prior expansion, or have been given gear by Blizzard for alts they’ve returned to that is stronger than other sources at the same level.

Timewalking has been ‘tear through’ for years, except for TBC Timewalking at the start, which stomped people. Before they changed how scaling works, people had entire sets specifically for Timewalking to take advantage of the downscaling, allowing them to be even stronger than players are now.

You’ve picked the one single form of bottom tier PVE content people always speed through and are claiming it’s an exploit. It’s like looking at the sun and complaining your eyes hurt.


I didn’t say it’s an exploit. Read the posts above mine. I said something completely different.

I was trying to reply to OP and I missed.

I understand it’s random. I wouldn’t vote kick someone for playing how they play just because it’s different than my preference.

I’m saying that to me, it’s not fun in any dungeon when 1 player blasts ahead and holds the other 4 players hostage. They are only able to follow along and press move forward and collect loot. That isn’t the game I pay to play. I enjoy doing my rotation, tanking, dps’ing or healing even if it’s a quick run. I want to be able to press a few buttons every now and then.

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I’ve done that myself before too.

I actually have a locked lvl 11 fury warrior that i use for helping my wife level her alts. I don’t, have not, and never will charge someone to level them. I know there are some out there that will, though. As noted in a few posts, there is a 99% exp reduction for leveling, so the worry about charging for leveling is greatly reduced. There are work arounds such as using chromie time to select a commonly avoided era and queue separately, hoping to get the same party, then dropping chromie time and staying in the same tw group, but that is a pain to pull off. So mich of a pain, that ive never done it, and just hop on him just to do my 5 tw runs for the daily badges and them shelf him. I do agree that its broken. 100% However, i dont think that its broken enoigh to impact the overall gameplay to the point where action needs to be taken.

Read up on what an exploit is. I dont care that you dont like it, its not an exploit.

Im just waiting till one of these dummies tilt this to their so lauded “gogogo mentality” shpeal when it’s literally people being efficient with their time. And ultimately turn into another mplus thread.

I’m not sure I would use the phrase “holds the other 4 players hostage.” That’s a bit exagerated IMO. As I said, you’re welcome to try and vote kick them (assuming they don’t clear the dungeon in 2 minutes), but I doubt you will get anyone else to agree. As the majority are happy to just follow along and loot (even at 80, because they’re just there to get their free heroic raid gear for the week). As I said, it’s your opinion, and that’s fine, but until you find others with the same opinion (pretty rare I would bet), you’re stuck with the majority.

Look at it another way. I’m finishing levelling my alts. They’re doing insane amounts of damage since a lot of them have decent current-level gear from DF. I do way more damage than anyone else until it evens out at about 75-76.

Am I now not allowed to do TW content because I might ‘run’ it too fast?


its TW !

it is ment to be fast…

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there is a difference between “insane amounts of damage” and literally 15x as much as the rest of the party combined. you can easily see a twink on details because their meter will utterly eclipse everyone else into being little slivers while their damage comprises like 80-90% of the groups overall dps if not more.

its not something you can mistake or accidently happen into. it requires very specific thresholds and item levels, gems/enchants and so on, assuming the other players arent literally afk. and again, you can also usually spot these players because they ignore the party and just speed run out ahead of everyone. if you are leveling dragonflight alts legitimately, you will be 71 by the end of a single timewalking dungeon, maybe 2 tops, and you will be past that scaling threshold even if your gear was kind of good. if you are leveling a level 10 arcane mage and just absolutely 1 shotting mobs you will be level 14+ by the end of your very first dungeon, that is if you somehow didnt end up already being 11 or 12 after finishing beginner island or your racial starting zone.

but no, the characters stay level 10 in full gemmed out purples, or level 70 in full mythic raid gear. they never gain levels because thats the point, and thus it remains an issue

but hey, keep trying to come up with fringe cases and whataboutisms. every post gets this thread more attention and makes it more likely for the devs to look into the problem

and if the devs really really REALLY love this speed run twinking exploit nonsense, then all they have to do to get me to quit ringing this bell is give me back the ability to leave a dungeon with a twink without getting a half hour time out penalty. thats it. gimme that and you’ll never hear from me again on this issue.

Ok you know what, despite my initial response I have changed my mind and come around to your way of thinking.

I just did a +2 War Within key on my brand new 80. There was a 639 ilvl balance druid in the key, he did 10x my damage and almost 4x the rest of the group combined. His gear was all gemmed and enchanted, ridiculous!! I hereby call for his banning and I think anyone who has an ilvl above 636 should be banned for exploits and bending the systems of the game over their knee!

Btw, your entire point is textbook crab mentality.


You post on an alt because you’re a coward. Nothing more.

I promise literally nobody is hunting you down in game and messaging you during the 6 hours you’re on each week.

You truly need to learn what “exploiting” ACTUALLY IS and stop being such a whiny player…

I read your replies to the other people you replied to, and you’re just a cynical, hateful, spiteful, and all around miserable person. You just can’t stand it when people are better/smarter than you at WoW. People are being SMART with their limited time, and you hate it because you don’t actually understand how twinking works. Nobody is actually gaining an in-game advantage. They’re just doing the same thing youre doing, faster, because they care more about their time than you.

Instead of posting on forums 8 hours each day? Spend that time being more efficient in-game, and stop hating other people for being intelligent.

The fact that you’re saying idiotic stuff like “groveling apologists” tells me you’re just unhappy in general anf came from Reddit. I suggest going back there to cry about it.

This is the actual issue… YOUR EGO CANT HANDLE BEING LOW ON THE DAMAGE METERS. just learn that youre not the top 1% of wow players and move on little bro.


the fact you keep crying about a non-issue tells literally everyone all they need to know about you.

“oh no, my dungeon was completed in 5 minutes instead of FIFTEEN, I’m angry and would rather take deserter than let my task be finished quicker”.


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personal attacks because they know their argument holds no water.

that’s fine. keep increasing the post count

When you reply like this, you’ve lost. People have given you MULTIPLE level-headed responses, and you maintain they are personal attacks and that you should be able to freely leave a dungeon if you see a twink character, and continue to call them exploits, disregarding the fact it’s been proven to you that it’s scaling, yet you say it’s not the same thing.

Tell me again the difference between a twink level 11 fury warrior with lifestealing, and a 636 <insert class/spec of choice> blasting through a dungeon doing 90% of the damage?

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The way scaling is at the moment is a sort of mutation of systems used in other games.

In ESO for example, they instituted a system called One Tamriel (Tamriel being the name of the world). In simple terms:

“One Tamriel is the name given to a special update that makes significant changes to the core of the game. In this case, the entire world of Tamriel will be open to be played by any character, without level or allegiance restrictions.”

It would be the equivalent of a WoW player making a character at level 10 and being able to go into The War Within zones and play them at that level. Because the world adjusts to the player’s level. Effectively, its level means nothing in normal world play.

Certain parts of the game still require a high level: Trials and Veteran Dungeons still require Veteran/Champion levels to play them, and if you are playing a lower level character with less abilities and less good gear, certain areas with activities that require groups will be more difficult. But you can go into any zone and do any quest at any level.

It works very well in ESO because it effectively opens the entire expansive game world to every player. The downside as far as WoW players would see it is that you don’t outlevel a raid or a dungeon, because Bethesda sees everything as current content.

I imagine if Blizzard tried to make a similar change to WoW, there would be some heated discussion posts going hereabouts. Then again, Microsoft owns WoW and it also owns Bethesda (ESO) so…you never know. :sunglasses: