Timewalking badges are all gone

Yesterday I tried to transfer 8820 timewalking badges from this toon Krystal, to my warlock, Vulkan. However the game was lagging out hard, and my badges seem to have vanished into thin air and did not make it.

I opened up a ticket for this, but havent gotten any resolution yet. I would be happy with my badges being put back in their rightful place.

You’ll have to wait on the outcome of your ticket, the forums are not a means to bypass the official support channels for the game. It is highly unlikely they will be able to grant them as the investigation is ongoing.


This person had the same issue and it was resolved. They opened a ticket and selected item restoration.


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They only restore stuff if it’s in the logs.

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if i may ask, how did you put in the ticket? item restoration doesnt account for currency…

I am also missing 1900+ Tw badges because of the bugs on tuesday…i have all the screen shots…but they dont take those. :confused:

World of Warcraft > In-Game Issues > Items and Mail > Not Listed Here.


i managed to slightly figure it out, so i hope i sent the right ticket. Thanks vrakky poo! <3 (if thats ok to say) >.>


I’ve been called worse. :wink:

Good luck.


I had this happen to me also when the warband first became a thing… i didnt open a ticket cause that was also being glitchy… but with 24 hours the currency was on the character i transferred it to

This centaur is a good bean. I have followed the workflow, if I get my badges back I will mark his post as “Solution”.

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