Timerunning is a brilliant system

Retail is so slow and boring now it’s hard switching back to my main to grind out m+ for vault. I want a legion remix.


This, but it was incredibly fun.
As someone who started WoW on private servers, it was much better too.
God mode in games is really a fun thing to do every once in a while.

I also like how fast LFR bosses die, even if I myself will probably never reach that powere (I’m always at the lowest tier in Details! even tho I have 346 ilvl, i don’t know why but I don’t really care anyway)

Walking to the vault seemed to take forever! I miss my big cloak speed.


why not just a hearthstone?

I wonder how difficult it would be to re-configure the artifact weapon into a functional clone of the MoP Remix cloak. The functions of both are already similar, in terms of being the ‘borrowed power’ device in both cases. Another reason why Legion seems to be one of the better choices as a remix-able expansion.

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It doesn’t need to sustain itself, provided that they use it as a limited-time event at the tail end of an expansion.

For players who weren’t here the first time, it’s a great way to experience the expansion immersively the way players did the first time around, just more quickly. For those of us who were, we get to relive the story, sort of the way it was back when.

I’d be up for taking any expansion, Cataclysm onwards, out for a spin in this way… And you might even be able to give TBC or Wrath this treatment, since Cataclysm didn’t overhaul Outland or Northrend all that much.

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Honestly…personally…Mists was my #1…DF wouldnt see a remix for a while…legion would be 3rd on my list, Id think…and Id LOVE to see a Wrath Remix too.
personally, again, I wouldnt want to see this insane exponential power explosion like this one has been. Totally ruined it for me.

Love the Remix concept…and hope they take it further, but if its gonna be like this one I’ll to the same thing and quit again, which was to get the mog sets I wanted.
I wanted to run LFR all summer with other players but this one shot crap murdered that desire.

I’d like Wrath too. But, in the current remix we can very much see the impact of flex raiding. A Throne of Thunder run can’t be done by the thirteen people who showed up for raid night. So, for simple mechanics reasons, I think that the future remixes should be after Pandaria.

I dont know enough about any of that to comment, honestly. Im referring only to content. Mechanix issues I really dont know much about as far as how they would be transformed for a remix and if it would work.
I do know I wont touch a WoD, BFA or SL remix…ever. Worst part of this game, so in my mind there isnt much to even have post MoP for a remix.

Aye, there’s the rub. It might be that MoP was the ONLY viable remix. We’re assuming because of its popularity that we’ll see a version again in two years in the expansion lull – but maybe not!

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Hopefully a Legion Remix is on their minds. I could do that. I enjoyed legion, the content anyway. Wasnt overly happy about the weapon being the focus over the character, but not game breaking or anything.
Just feels like a cheaper version of The One Ring or something…I like gear…I dont like gear that is god killing gear, lol.
Way to grandiose for my liking.
But Legion as far as content goes was pretty good.