Timerunning is a brilliant system

I just wanted to acknowledge the creativty and the huge effort behind this system, being able to have characters on completely different instances/servers but in the same character list as the others, instead of having to log into different accounts or realms, is simply awesome.

There probably is a lot of hard technical work behind this, and it would most likely had been easier to have different clients or realms, and still they managed to make it this way, which is easier and cleaner for us, the players.

I hope they can make more systems like this in the future, such as removing the need to use the “change realm” button and any other QoL improvement.


Remix has been so wildly popular that I can’t see them not doing this again with another expansion in the future.


I look forward to future remix’s to complete collections.

I also like how I can level a character to 70 in less than 4hrs. Made a Demon Hunter yesterday and maxed him in 3-5hrs.


I hope blizzards see’s the interest people have in Leveling Raids.


I have enjoyed the heck out of remix and would love to see future iterations of it.

I just hope they learned from the frog fiasco that kind of ruined the early days of it.


Hyperspawns are being abused everyday in retail and I figured that there would be a few in Remix. They have to be careful on putting rewards on outdoor mobs when Hyperspawn is active.

I’m looking forward to other expansions!

We’ll have to see if another event like this is listed in 2025’s roadmap.
Although I wouldn’t get my hopes up that we see another for a quite a long time.

yea with the expedited release of the next three expansions, I doubt there’s room for a remix :frowning:

I cannot fathom how so many of y’all found Remix to be fun.


It’s a change of pace. Something new but familiar.


Remix is everything wrong with wow today. But it’s quick and easy handout rewards, which is all people really care about.


My guess that is why there are now hundreds of recolored tbc weapons and armor added to the files. At first I thought it would be for season of discovery ( it still might be).

Im guessing tbc or wod myself though.

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It is but it feels toooo overboard

I am gemming speed just to keep up with hte group :rofl:, cause my other stats are already enormous, In 2 weeks I might be able to solo heroic raids :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d like Legion, depending on if Blizzard would activate the weapon artifacts again.


Maybe, though BC wouldn’t be my pick personally.

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Remix’s primary problem remains that it left out everyone’s unleveled alts. We were forced to make new characters.

End of expac and pre-launch stuff should always include a method of speed-leveling left behind alts up to the current expac (not new expac)'s level cap.

I admit the one speed-bump for this for me would be the odd inability to send or receive mail on remix characters as many of my alts have various profession materials and reagents banked for use by my whole account but that should just be resolved. Personally I don’t get that restriction in the first place. What were they afraid of? People sending gold? People sending MoP rep badges? Why can’t they? We farmed them we should be able to use them in remix.

So while it was far and away better than blunderstorm (a disaster) it still has some issues.

It’s better now with the increased bronze and threads. The first 30 days were not great. They should probably extend it by one month but that would probably cause problems with their other plans.

Ironically, the stuff players BEG Ion for he makes up excuses why he’s never gonna even bother trying it, lol…but they sure can shovel out the same old crap that paying customers have begged them to NOT keep doing, lol.

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seems like theyd have to for a legion remix…legion was nothing without the weapon.

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Nothing but recolored mounts, transmog you can already get in retail, and no changes in the zones or quests

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