Timerunning is a brilliant system

I have been loving Remix!

I think the best thing for me was actually finding my new loves. I’ve been a hardcore Druid stan my entire WoW career and never really wanted to play anything else. Dabbled in Monk, Paladin, Priest and Evoker, but never really had an interest in anything else.

So for me, experiencing all the other classes while leveling them up has been an eye opener. I was shocked at how much I ended up loving Death Knight and Mage. Especially Death Knights, I had just never had an interest in playing. I just didn’t think I’d enjoy it. But leveling with Frost and then tanking with Blood has been some of the most fun I have had in this game in a very long time.

I never would have guessed that I’d likely retire my druid in the next expansion to main a Death Knight.


Do you guys have any thoughts that “remix” and the way gear/gems etc are setup is a training ground for what retail WoW may look like one day? Just a thought.

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Remix is great, but don’t bring this chaos into retail. I like it as holiday, but do not want to go back to simming on a daily basis like in BFA corrupted gear. That was terrible due to the simming requires.

I, for one, have loved how remix is absolutely zero pressure. It has allowed me to make some alts for classes/specs I’ve never tried and just toy around.


I like the combining of gems to get more powerful one but I am not sure about the tinkers. Those would be a mess to balance but fun to play with because you could combine a few different class skills.

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Agreed. Hearty appaulse.

Imagine legion. the OG artifact weapons. Getting brand new appearances for it along with recolours. NOT the mage tower ones though. maybe recolours of that, but not the OG. The forums will of cours explode. But when won’t they?

I doubt it. I think they’ve learned their lesson with all the borrowed power systems. Players don’t like getting all this power and then having to give it up for the next expansion. And while I have enjoyed playing around with all the gems/trinket gems etc, I wouldn’t want to have to mess around with and carry all that stuff around in retail. If it weren’t for that Narcissus addon to help manage all the re-socketing every time I got gear upgrades, I’d have probably been more frustrated than entertained by the gems.

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I’ve thought about it. It makes for a different pacing, a different blurring of game, endgame and solo-endgame that’s interesting. But my fear is that these things can’t all coexist happily as different communities start pulling the mode in multiple different directions.

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The problem is that many (or all) of the Legion artifact powers are already baked into our new skill trees. Remix already allows your weapons to be upgraded using currency. There’s not much difference other than maybe a free extra power (keystone talent).

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NOW you tell me… :smile:

good point.

I hated the plundercrap. I like the remix. I don’t think they should redo either, at least not for a long long time. But having a side game is an interesting development choice that I would call successful. It also lets you throw some small subplot into the game, such as the case of remix.


It is fun. It is kind of like playing in God Mode in a game. Terribly entertaining for the short term but it can’t sustain itself.

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In Remix? How could this happen? We have fifty days left and have already bought all of the mounts.

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Then dont pick those powers? like how some gems can be skipped over others?
Though granted, i dont remember much of it. I started playing wow at the final patch of Legion.

exactly, it’s not retail, it’s not classic, it’s not wow. It’s just a mini game with a wow skin.

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I felt it had the vibe of playing on a private server. Didn’t feel like WoW, wasn’t fun.

I leveled a warrior to 70 and just sorta parked it.

I’m having a blast!


WoW Classic is over and done with since Cata launched, and Retail isn’t WoW beyond the most sterile technical sense, so I really don’t have any “WoW” options beyond private servers at this point, which I’ve never been over the moon with.