Timerunning is a brilliant system

I would level a character in a Vanilla remix just for the raids.


And something to do other than season 4.

Shadowlands remix says: ā€œhold my disgusting and barely drinkable beerā€

(I agree with you, Iā€™m largely just being difficult)

Which is a pity, because Iā€™m having a LOT more fun in Remix than Iā€™ve had in the game in years.

I had alts that werenā€™t at max level, and I deleted them and just remade them for Remix. Leveling is so fast, it just didnā€™t matter.

The endgame of Remix is terrible. Everything in Pandaria is constantly dead, thereā€™s no challenge in instanced content and thereā€™s no PVP

I agree, do more remixes. Most of the complaints are people thinking the mode should be something it was never meant to be or people on overpopulated realms. Personally Iā€™m enjoying the heck out of it and i appreciate the ability to easily clean up my collections from the xpack. Iā€™d definitely love it for later xpacks as well since after MoP i stopped no-lifing the game and could really use a surefire way to get the cosmetics.

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I hope they add the CM armor sets to really make the forums erupt into flames.

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that only works if you hadnā€™t done professions on those characters you deleted

I donā€™t think weā€™ll see another remix exactly, but something similar like an alternate way to level perhaps. I know that sounds like the same thing I donā€™t think I can explain what Iā€™m thinking in my head

Itā€™s the same realm/world server, just a different phase.
Itā€™s not new. Itā€™s retail MoP with added scaling (this does need work still).

Whoever did the phasing systems a decade ago, kudos to you all.

Easy leveling? Sure way to get hard to get drops?
Whatā€™s not to like?

The mindnumbingly easy gameplay loop in lower levels and gear cap, maybe.
I also already had all classes at cap, making new characters was annoying, but I used it as a faux server transfer, so now I have all classes at cap, in 2 servers.

They also missed a huge opportunity by disabling PvP.
Random BGs with those tinkers would be hilarious.

But Remix also has the hardest dungeon experience by far: any class in the 60-69 range.

Put up a group for anything, specially some scenarios, consisting only of players in that range and you have something harder than M+12.

Heroic scenarios on Remix release were also just as brutal for level 10-15.

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Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially now that the 2x bronze buff is out the grind for anything feels reasonable now.


Speed hard caps at 5k rating.

Come on wrath. I need them mounts.

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Because retail, on the whole isnā€™t fun & adding a few gimmicks like tinker gems & speeding up progression is a nice enough change of pace to justify keeping my sub running until it ends.

I had planned to unsub once WotLK Classic ended, since thatā€™s officially the point at which WoW started getting worse, but this has been enjoyable enough to continue my sub until its end.

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I ask myself the same thing daily. But then I canā€™t help but feel like this is true.

Iā€™m glad folks are loving it, I really am, just like I was for Plunderbooty. It just isnā€™t for me nor do I think itā€™s solving any issues with retail and/or classic WoW.

I had most of the ā€œexclusiveā€ rewards already, Iā€™m just enjoying it because itā€™s technically not retail.

I donā€™t know how youā€™d say ā€œeverything wrong with WoW today.ā€ Itā€™s not like Remix is at the forefront of awful class design (and redesigns) etc.

As someone with 46 alts, most of whom are over 65, this is my only issue. I really donā€™t need more alts! And I donā€™t want to delete them and recreate them because they have a ton of stuff. But I would love to run them through the rest of the leveling experience and replay past expansions as a Remix.


Iā€™ve had some fun in remix, but at the same time, the concept of giant masses of temporary rewards doesnā€™t sit well with me.

If they become regular seasonal content, I will likely stop participating at some point.

And then, once I crossed that line, it would trigger a chain reaction of other difficult decisions about priorities/collections (some of which Iā€™ve admittedly already been wrestling with lately)

I would love to see some of the gear/gem/cache features in Remix integrated into the WoW leveling experience. Keep max level gear the way it is, but I love how gear works in Remix and I think it would make the leveling process easier to understand, more convenient, and more engaging.

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The majority of the rewards are not temporary. The only temporary thing is the insane power boost you get from the cloak, gems, and threads. That will be missed.

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