Timers added to Torghast

WE want people to take time and explore our world that why we disable flying and other things so you will explore and see everything. But we are adding timers to stuff to make you run thru it as fast as you can.

What? sounds just like Blizzard.


Admit that you, and others, are whining because the set up, as is, is not what YOU want

Time for me to deal with this:
Hard timer: possibly kicked at floor 15
Soft enrage style, with poor play: dead on floor 13
Soft Enrage style with average play: dead on floor 18
Soft enrage style with expert play: dead on floor 23
Soft enrage style with pro play: completion
This can be adjusted, but it is just to show how a hard timer and soft timer/enrage can, in theory, be the same but in practice different.

So that means they might need to group up with a healer? There are different ways to deal with the damage. If one can’t handle it solo, grab a friend or 2, I, like others, main a tank but I go for the more offensive talents, like Sera, for most content. Am I slow at killing? perhaps but I can still progress at a decent clip barring the damage sponge style mobs.

Whatever you call it is irrelevant because it goes against Blizzards goals of wanting the pace to be encouraging exploration and taking your time searching for anima powers. These torments don’t do that, debuffs, soft enrage, soft timer, timer, soft donuts, whatever you choose to call it doesn’t matter. The torment system is against everything this was supposed to be.

Not the same thing at all, because one is for an encounter only, while the other one is for the whole dungeon.

You don’t get up in the middle of a pull to change the diaper or answer the door. You DO do those things between pulls.

With Torghast, you can’t do those things between pulls outside of the start of a floor.

Stop taking player agency away from us. Use a debuff to limit the usage of powerful cooldown abilities/spells.

…yes it is? You have to get to the end faster than the Tarragrue. Time is quitely directly a factor.

If you die enough to trigger the Tarragrue, you’re now on a clock. If you die enough that Torments kick in, you’re now on a clock because you have to get to the end of the floor before your incoming damage is too high to survive.

So get someone else to do the work is your solution…lol. What a fun game, pay a sub to get carried :roll_eyes:

How is the soft enrage activated? What metric is it that puts it into effect? :thinking:

I thought it was pretty obvious that I didn’t want a timer, as well as many other people here. The problem for us is there’s no rational reason for having a timer of any kind with all the other mechanics considered.

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Only if you die 5 times solo for example. No one, has an issue with this. lt was not advertised as punishment for your pacing. Only punishment for dying so many times.

That’s the disconnect you and the Paladin are purposefully ignoring.


The pace doesn’t discourage exploration, it encourages you to not literally afk. You can take your time searching and still clear in a relatively decent clip.

Nope. Torment system adds more difficulty to bring it closer to its intended design as a roguelike instance.

Are you illiterate?

What metric determines your GCD and individual cooldowns, hmm? Is it as fast as you can move those fingers? No?


You do realize a big part of the draw was being able to solo? Now you want to force it to be groups. Lol.

Started as a very wide open broad appeal feature, now just appeals to the same M+ crowd. What a joke.


But that timer is linked to deaths. If I don’t die the allotted amount of times I’m ok just standing there.

Right now Blizzard is implementing a feature that prevents me from just loitering where and when I want to thus setting a pace. I don’t want my pace dictated.

Tarrague does not tell me what pace I should be at, I’m ok with him.

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Nope, you are saying to get someone else to do the work. You are clinging to some technicality trying to say it’s not a timer while at the same time saying timers are good. Can’t have it both ways.

Your last comment isn’t even relevant.

I am not ignoring it. The Tarragrue creates a punishment for your pacing if you die too much. It’s seriously just a timer that kicks in if you die too much. If you die too much, you slow down and torments turn on.

They are not that different.

Have not stepped foot in a mythic + because of timers since the first time running them way back a the start of mythic+. Why? because the timer makes it so toxic and unfun they have yet to add anything to it that would come close to making it worth trying again. Tried visions the first couple weeks and have never been back. Don’t ever plan on stepping foot in either ever again. Looks like torghast will be added to that list. It’s a shame i was looking forward to it now I don’t care if i ever step foot in it.


I’m done with this dude and the Paladin. They’re trolling the thread.


It’s literally punishing you for doing anything that isn’t gogogo. You need to look up what discourage and encourage means.

It’s not being used for that purpose. It will just make this mode another pull everything, pop cd’s, lust, and aoe them down to work around the debuffs. You seem to forget that the main varying power in this comes from the random abilities you make a build out of.


This is what they refuse to acknowledge. They are getting their way, which they could already have just by running as fast as they can, but think it’s ok for people who don’t want anything like that to not be able to play that way.


I think Drathiel is pretty obviously trolling at this point, or they just don’t understand the concept of a timer.


I’m not taking away player agency from anyone. My text isn’t in blue. I’m not a dev. And those things that you listed off again, cannot be done while in the middle of a Raid, M+ or PvP encounter. So there’s no reason why other content should be any different.

And yeah. It’s a soft enrage timer. Because the run becomes more difficult the longer it takes. That’s how soft enrages have worked in WoW. By either taking too long or reaching a certain percentage of health.

Or they are not players but working for some organization.