Timers added to Torghast

Cool. I’m discussing the principle of the torments. Don’t really care about Hero/Lust.

And there’s no timer. Unless everything that has any sort of duration or interval-based threshold is a timer, in which case the entirety of the game is just a series of timers. So what are we going to do with that information, hmm?

A lot has been advertised. A sanity style vitality mechanic was discussed early on in the process.

M+ has an actual clock, that is a timer. Gradually increasing damage taken is not a timer.

You aren’t the person I was replying to, pretty sure they can speak to themselves.

Not activating that damage increase until a timer has elapsed isn’t a timer? Huh.

Moving the goalposts now. First it was timers are good now it’s not a timer. It’s effectively the same thing.


Your thoughtful and meaningful rebuttal of my statement is appreciated.


You didn’t want to discuss the actual topic since it was added in response to cooldowns, now you are jumping into someone else’s line of conversation. You didn’t want to have an honest discussion so I don’t want to discuss anything with you.

Not of the relevant variety sure. You take this too absurd, we’re going to end up back at a hard 7 day limit to how long you can remain on the floor.

It’s obvious you aren’t following the point. The argument here is that a [soft] timer is not needed and many have explained why. The varying difficulty is from the randomness in anima power builds you make during each run, that’s why some people steam roll it and others have a challenge. Balance should be focused on that area and Blizzard said these stacking debuffs are to prevent waiting for cooldowns. They can limit cooldowns to a specific amount of uses for floor instead and have more control over balance.

These stacking debuffs are not a good solution as they go against the core values they said they had for Torghast and against what everyone was saying was a huge positive point. They wanted an environment that encouraged exploration and torments discourage that.


Okay, you want to discuss Hero/Lust? Cool. They’re not the crux of why I agree with Torments existing; hence why I wasn’t particularly interested in discussing Hero/Lust. Torments may have come about because of Hero/Lust, or they may have come about independently of that factor.

Sure I did. I want to [and have been] discussing the principles that Torments operate on.

You just wanted to discuss a different aspect that I don’t really care that much about.

And it is still that way, to some “no timer” means no clock counting down. You, and others, are acting like anything that is affected by time is a timer.

Here are somethings you are missing:

  1. even in M+ you are not kicked if you go over time, you can still complete.
  2. Bosses have had these mechanics for years, this is just adding it to the dungeon as a whole
  3. as long as you can handle the incoming damage, you can take as long as you want on the floor. If you start taking massive damage, or you die, there is a good chance you were taking too long unless it is due more to the mobs

Neat little jab. Too bad it had no weight behind it.

Limiting cooldowns to specific usages on a floor is no better than not having Torments. I’d argue it’d be much worse, actually, particularly once you get to the higher floors. You wanna hit a brick wall? That’s how you hit a brick wall.

No, they don’t. Blizzard said there would be no timer, and there is no timer, period.

For somebody who has little interest in talking to me, you sure seem to keep replying to me.

Acknowledge that just because you can’t see the timer doesn’t make it not a timer.

I’m not having a conversation I am dismissing your off topic nonsense.

I tried explaining it that way earlier. Somehow, they didn’t get that it’s basically a soft enrage in that it makes things harder, but if you play properly you can work through the added challenge to finish.

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It’s the same end result. And not all classes can handle incoming damage well at all.

Okay, so go ahead and dismiss what I’m saying without replying. As long as I keep getting ticks in my feed from you, you’ll keep getting replies. Easy fix to that, friend.

It’s not a timer, though. The instance does not boot you out after 20 minutes. You don’t lose all progress after 20 minutes. It simply gets harder the longer you decide to remain on a floor- in a sense, it’s a soft enrage. It has no timer, but if you don’t deal with it properly and keep moving, you will eventually get overwhelmed.

If you don’t like that, that’s your problem.

I’m aware of that. I’m going to be supportive of it staying in though. Because to me, I find the timer to add to the experience. Which it’s more of a soft enrage timer rather than a strict timer.

I don’t understand why they would take such a drastic measure to balance solo content for two classes that have lust. Seriously…it’s insane.

So they are going to introduce timers they stated they wanted no timers on, because two classes have a ten minute cooldown that nullifies everything, and they are seeing some alpha testers sitting and waiting for it for every pull. How many actual players are going to wait ten minutes between pulls, even without timers? Had this been some horrible problem for fifteen years that no one ever talked about?