I think you overestimate how many people were raiding then, but that’s not the point of the discussion.
There is a lot of exploration factor to Torghast. Throwing a timer, in any capacity, on this just forces players to rush to the end instead of actually exploring the floors fully.
Which in my opinion doesn’t matter. Wrath was when World of Warcraft reached its peak. If it was that big of an issue, players would have unsubbed.
Instead of a timed-based debuff, why doesn’t Blizzard just add something based on floor level? Something like every 10 floors you get a new random torment debuff, and each floor in-between you get an additional stack.
Time Passing in the Shadowlands
It’s complicated.
There isn’t a fixed amount of time like 3x or 10x faster like in a sci-fi movie. It’s more chaotic.
What does that mean for the player? We’ll have to see when we come out the other end.
Called it. We are going to come out of Shadowlands and Azeroth gonna be overtaken by Scarlet Crusade or Void lords.
The “timer” is just a combat debuff. You can clear the mobs then explore forever if you like.
So something that affected a minuscule portion of the population should have caused people to leave in droves? Most people in Wrath were spamming Heroic dungeons which had no timer whatsoever unless you count the Bronze Drake run. Many people however were excited for Torghast until they heard all the talk of timers.
It really didn’t. Maybe for the novelty, but play it for weeks/months and see what you think of it after.
I did the Heroic dungeons. Funnily enough there were a few timers in that too. The only reason people don’t see it is because it had on a different dress during that time.
YES! (10 chars)
So what content do you do?
Shouldn’t we more or less know exactly what is going on?
If you’re in Shadowlands and the entire population of Stormwind walks past in a mopey line there shouldn’t be any surprises when you come out.
Yes, but even that is still in the brain storming stages. He only threw out ideas of what a “fun run” of Torghast would have.
So much for making this gameplay where can appreciate the details, and you have to think your way through it. I really hate that WoW has turned into “smash everything rush rush rush”.
Please stop making WoW into Diablo, Blizzard.
And this here is the real crux of the issue.
Timers change the mood of content, and how it’s approached, irrevocably. Were we back in Legion and I going in with 4 Mythic raiding guildies, I wouldn’t care about timers. We’d joke and clear on time, efficiently.
But we’re in Shadowlands in 2020, my guild’s disbanded, I barely raid anymore, and I do scaling content with one or two friends, one of which does have anxiety issues. Can fight and dodge no problem, can raid, but not under that kind of time pressure. So I don’t do M+ anymore either, because she can’t.
Leave timers in M+, let Torghast be where we can get our old school dungeon delve back, as the Blizzcon slides announced, a place where I can go with my friends.
PVP, world PVP being my favorite. I love the idea of M+, as 5 man content has always been my favorite content, but the timer mechanic kills it for me. It’s not fun.
I see timers all the time in PvP. Dampening is a soft timer in Arenas and all BGs have timers too. So I can see how World PvP would be your favorite.
For me though, I think without the timer M+ would be a flat experience. One where everyones keys would pretty much be infinitely increasing themselves to the 15-20 range. And in Torghast, I don’t see how it would ruin the experience.
I’m not all over the place in rogue like games, but I have played Risk of Rain 2 and loved it. And there’s a clear timer where literally everything becomes harder the more you play. But at the same time if you put together a crazy build, you could slaughter everything for just existing in the same area as the enemy. But it didn’t make them any less threatening, but was a ton of fun.
Do I require a literal timer in everything that I do? No. But not having one creates a flat experience for me. Where I’m not gritting my teeth and pushing myself to get through without any walls for me to break down.
Since its Alpha, We can still advocate against timers before it makes into final release. There is still time to provide the feedback and hope for the best
This thread should keep going.
Put it this way. With no timer everyone can play the speed they want. With a timer only those who are ok with being timed can. The better fix is to just limit hero/lust so that waiting for it is not the meta. It’s so simple but blizz as usual goes with the ridiculously heavy handed approach.
Not true.
I can’t believe the Tower would be designed the same with a timer as it otherwise would be without one. There would almost have to be changes to the reward structure and difficulty.
Limiting what players can do in week 1 by putting in timers is a good thing. It means week 15 might be a completely different and more relaxes experience.
Timers are great.