Timers added to Torghast

Imagine being that wrong and confident.

So we will get an actual answer or not?

I don’t have an answer because the stuff you’re saying is pure lies and conjecture, sprinkled with insults.

They added a “rested” area above floor 10 where the soft timer starts, that’s awesome! You can actually go do something, take a break and eat, or hit the restroom for once in MMO end game content!

Regarding the topic, I personally don’t mind a softer timer. There has to be something to make you want to push through, and the highest levels should be the hardest and feel rewarding to finish. If they had no timer and little punishment it wouldn’t feel good.

By your logic having no timer isn’t a problem then either?


Well if this is lies, it seems very effective because you look out of the game. Seems like it was the truth my guy.

I could live with this. But don’t see the point in ruining it with timers if nothing gamebreaking is above level 10. Except just to keep people out, why make content then add a timer to make people not run it, kinda a waste of money. I see no reason to ever go past 10. What would be the point.

Are you going to substantiate that or just fishing for a ban?

The problem I have is I’m arbitrarly punished for wanting to play in the manner of my choice.

I enjoy running people through low keys and explaining mechanics while spending tons of time in banter and friendly competition.

Yet I can’t advance a key if I play like that. Again its not even about the rewards. I just want to keep going up in difficulty with people I enjoy spending time with instead of groups that say nothing and blow through the dungeon in 15 min.

It kind of reminds me of hospitals: sterile, hushed tones if you talk at all and an importance placed solely on performance. In short everything creepy about hospitals minus the old man getting a sponge bath and who knows whats happening on the other side of peoples computers.

Maybe torghast was just too easy and they needed to make it harder.


If level 10 is weekly reward
Level 20 is x achievement
Level 30 is rare achievement
Leve 40 is epic achievement
Level 60 is legendary achievement.

Maybe they found it was just too easy to reach the max achievement and therefore added difficulty to make it harder and more rewarding to achieve

Except you can explain everything before starting the run. or, as most commonly done, you can speak with a microphone.

What ban? I’m able to provide answers and ask legitimate questions. You don’t do that, you contradiction with everyone and then act offended by something is more then plausible.

If it’s not the case don’t play the mary sue and just explain your situation. It’s not complicated.

I am able to say all of this game new designs are terrible. And also able to state that new things incoming to WoW are not really so much more promising then BFA.

Meanwhile you tell people to quit the game and to move on to single players. How’s that logic? You really think a 16 years old player base who’s more then likely addicted will just suddenly vanish over trying to put their foot down?

Who do you think you are? Serious?


They specifically said this is to counter waiting for long cooldowns like bloodlust in the interview. Overall buffs/nerfs to make Torghast harder are perfectly fine as long as they don’t scale over time.

If that was the case they would buff it overall. They directly said this was so players don’t wait for cooldowns between pulls but they can just limit big cooldown moves on higher floors.

Considering I already saw this poster you replied to publicly shame someone with their dungeon information I think they are more worthy of a ban then you.

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Because you’re quite evidently trolling with no intent of progressing a discussion, you just want to insult and be witty for likes and upvotes.

You are claiming a thousand things about my real person while being incorrect and lying about whatever you want so you can twist your terrible arguments in your favor.

There is an issue in that sentence. Can you spot it?

I have nothing to explain because everything you’ve said is wrong, a lie and pointless to argue because you specifically said you refused to believe anything I said.

I even posted a lot of information directly from wowhead on how torghast will work and what you can do to make torghast that much easier and how you can stay for much longer.

But you don’t want to see that, you just want to troll and have a garbage attitude.

This sound’s far.

If people actually bothered to read the blue post, the soft timers are for the UPPER levels of Torghast, not the entire thing.

This is like complaining about the Awakening affix when you’re never going to do a +10 key.

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How? I’m sorry, but a soft timer isn’t a problem. Ignore it and play at a decent pace, and you’re fine.

They’ve described the timer as a rather loose thing, and it doesn’t exist below the 10th floor which is what you have to do for legendaries. They’ve also said they’re thinking about adding a prestige mode to incentivize continued play outside of getting what one needs.

There’s only so much “exploring” and “playing at your own pace” to be done in an environment that is fairly clearly defined. The torments exist to eventually make you either shuffle along or bow out, and the fact of the matter is Blizzard isn’t designing this to be an easymode endless dungeon. They’re designing it to be similar to a roguelike, which means there are associated pressures and risks within the run.

Everyone who praised this as the best thing since sliced bread probably didn’t tell you what it was based off of. Roguelikes aren’t forgiving. Be thankful Torghast is going to be as forgiving as Blizzard is already making it. I’m gonna love pushing it because of the potential difficulty. Maybe that difficulty isn’t for you, or others.

One could say the very same things about you. None of us have been able to clearly define for you what a timer is.

Many new players are reluctant to get on discord even if they are not required to speak. I went all the way up to legion being able to stop and explain things in text anywhere except gauntlets.

And lets face it there are huge amounts of mechanics now days and there is no way they are going to remember everything.

Take for instance Freehold one of the easiest dungeons.

  • Interrupt oarsman
  • Interrupt the cast on the lizard guys
  • Interrupt the storm cast
  • Move out of the rocks thrown
  • Move out of the banana guys aoe
  • Move out of the bird doodoo, interrupt the heal and watch for the bird charge on first boss.
  • Make sure not to get hit by the gun pirate when she teleports across the room, explain which barrels are fake, getting the boss inside the whirlwind on the second boss.
  • Shell game
  • Moving out of the aoe and how to get sharks into pools on the third boss
  • Proper movement on the last boss.
  • On top of affixes and paths.

There is no way a new player is going to remember all of that being explained before the dungeon starts.