Timers added to Torghast

It’s more then that. That thing will be mandatory the whole expansion. Every patch when ilevel bump up players will have to go back to it. It’s more bad design on top of bad designs.

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I was carried by my son thru them, I did not want to do them he just keep talking me into it. I hated every second in them, I never did much so he would finally stop dragging me in. They were not fun I did not care, most of the time i was afk.

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Not at a rate to push any kind of progress. The three orbs would be but then the next real progress is gaining sanity back as the dps increase was % based and healers were already doing a lower % they gained less from each point they put into the tree.

On top of the fact that dps were gaining these as well as from clears.

It compounded bad healer scaling with needing to progress to progress faster.

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You don’t seem to get it… I WANT NONE OF IT!!! I want a classic dungeon crawl in which I had all the time in the world. AND NOW it’s ruined because people like you can’t possibly conceive of a world without a artificial pacing structure in play.

It makes me want to vomit :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


You did it regardless, wether you were carried or not

It means you have the will power to do Torghast, even when that timer is NOTHING compared to sanity drain

Why not go and play a classic dungeon then? They’re still there.

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Seems like an single player game is your thing then if you want to explore

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Torghast is 1-5 players, so it’s technically single player by option.


I want new things to explore. This tower was meant to be that. BUT NOOOOOO people like you had to complain about waiting on a cooldown.

Torghast looks so much like visions I don’t care if I even try it. Visions were horrible horrible content. Farm keys, make a mistake get killed becasue of timer, leave never go back. Looks horrific.


You don’t know that. Matter of fact, I didn’t. At first I was on the same page as you, but I can see that different options and different play styles can be fun for different reasons. Stop digging yourself into only 1 playstyle and maybe you’d enjoy more things.

Because I have 16 years invested in these characters. There are no pet battles, no transmogs, limited mounts and I would lose progression of all of the things I’ve collected.

Besides I don’t want to be stuck playing the same content forever part of exploring is exploring new content.

If timers are all you want then maybe they can just make classic timed were its the same dungeons forever with timers that are decreased every season until only a single group in the world can complete them. Sounds engaging no?

Or maybe just by a stopwatch.

She clearly played the game way more then you. Don’t talk through your hat.

How is that relevant? Pointless attack.

Then it isn’t for you then

Sit on the bench while the others can tolerate a timer

Wait, this isn’t true. WoW use to be all exploration and pick your own adventure.

If I want timers I have mythic plus and visions. If I don’t want timer’s I have ummmmmmmmmmm….hmmmm what do I have…hmmmmm…drawing a blank here.

Your lack of experience is irrelevant. Fair pointing out.

Oh, we’re going there. I getcha. I getcha. You know nothing about me. Also, preferences =/= experience. Moreover, there are players that have played since classic and still can’t clear basic content.
Keep trolling.

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I don’t need to know anything about you. Armory is more then enough.

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