Timers added to Torghast

When someone mentions the “Exhaustion” debuff fix, they don’t mean just LITERALLY that and ONLY THAT. Its ‘shorthand’ for “Have debuffs that are class-based decided on by Blizzard since they are the ones that think this is a problem that fixes the problems that Blizzard is worried about”.

You can easily come up with a few debuffs per class that fixes the problem.

Uh, in each and ever dungeon, raid, and in front of world bosses. WTF are you talking about, people AFK all the damn time, for many reasons.

NOBODY except those who support Blizzard are arguing that need to AFK during the MIDDLE of an encounter, only to have the choice to AFK before and after each and every encounter.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the safe zone at the start doesn’t help you if you need to go AFK between mob packs, or before the floor boss, in the middle of the floor.

That’s just factually wrong. (en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Dungeon_crawl) (I lost my ability that I had before to put links in so sorry for the chopped up text as a link.) Start with table top dungeon crawlers, and then to the days of modems, LAN parties, early Internet, and to where we are today, there have been games that are multiplayer dungeon crawlers (as well as other types of mulitplayer games like first-person shooters, etc.).

Even some single-player RPGs with dungeon crawling have fuill parties of npcs that go with you, so being able to balance difficulty in multi-unitcontrolled player encounters is a well known thing to do, in both multi-player and single-player dungeon crawlers. And without time pressures.

Also, you realize that each and every MMO, including the one we are playing now, are dungeon crawlers (as well as other things like PvP battles), right?

Torghast is just a dungeon without an end. And before you argue this point based on what the mobs do, other dungeons in WoW has unique encounters/mechanisms inside of them (Dire Maul and the ogre outfit encounter, for example).

Game makers from tabletop to computer have been balancing encounters without timers for decades. And with no worry about big spells and abuse, where the encounters are designed with the classes and their abilities that participate with them in mind.

1) Are you a Blizzard dev, or an Activision employee? How do you know their thinking? Maybe they just want WoW to be eSports so they are doing this for that reason? Or maybe the devs personally just “like” timers and doing it for that reason. You don’t know.

2) No, the vast majority of them do not have timers. That is just a plain fact.

Why? Because you say so? How did the vast majority of video games that were involved with dungeon crawlers over the decades of computer software did not need or use timers then?

There were big discussions BEFORE that slide was shown to the public. Blizzard knew of the concern, and how important it was to people, to the point that they put that on the slide, AND the presenter talked about it with inflection to give a very clear and concise impression that they would not be in.

As a consumer, I can’t force corporations to take lie detector tests before I make a purchase of their product. If anything, I’m kicking myself in the head AGAIN over believing in Blizzard and trusting them, when they said they would change their ways, and that they listened to us when we said we wanted Torghast to be a dungeon crawler without time pressures, THEN after that made that slide and showed it to all of us.

Edit: In fact, I’m hoping that they DID NOT plan on adding time pressures all along and it was just a P.R. move, when they showed us that slide. Because if that’s the case, then that’s a real bad breach of how you treat your customers, and their customers trust in them.

Ultimately, yes you are right, our actions are our own responsibility. But we live in a society, and if NOBODY is every going to tell the truth about anything, then how TF does the center hold?

That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, which is no time pressures in Torghast.

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