What happens if you travel to another timeline, die there and then the timeline disappears? Asking for a friend. (Vindicator Maraad)
You have effectively died.
You get a do over
Weren’t all the timelines tied together in the afterlife in Shadowlands? i forget, that expansion was too much a mess for me to pay too close attention.
The shadowlands spans all realities. That’s why Garrosh was there despite dying in AU draenor.
Are there an infinite number of every person in the SL? If they get combined, how do they determine which afterlife they go to? (This is why time traveling is hog wash)
This is up there with “the Legion transcends all timelines and realities”.
There’s probably different afterlife instances too.
Best not to think about it.
Time travel is fine. Multiple realities is fine. But having those realities separate sometimes and blended at other times is what messes things up.
You have effectively suffered an untimely death
We don’t talk about such things…
backs out, whistling innocently
The first timeline remembers you left and never came back. A thousand years later (for you) and just a few decades for everyone else in the first timeline, you return from the Void with an interesting story about your strange new powers and overcoming the temptation of the whispers from the Void Lords…but bad stuff happens when you visit the Sunwell.
The funny thing is, they walked that particular statement back, and said it does not transcend realities.
Oh it gets worse. Remember that Mannaroth and Archimonde were actually our Mannaroth and Archimonde, because apparently the Twisting Nether exists outside of the timelines and therefore there is only one of each demon, they just constantly attack different timelines or some bs like that I guess.
Now let us remember: Archimonde, Kiljaedan and the rest of the Eredar, they weren’t always demons. They used to be mortals like anyone else, until Sargeras corrupted them and turned them into demons. So by that logic, there must be infinite variations of Archimonde and Kiljaedan out there.
So what happened to the infinite variations of them? Surely more than just one variation of them became demons, right? And the Twisting Nether, which is where they dragged Argus into and thus reside within, exists outside of the timelines. So all the variations of Archimonde and Kiljaedan that became demons… did they all just vanish? Did the merge into one singular being? Did Argus merge into one entity, too? Or are there actually countless numbers of Archimonde, Kiljaedan and Argus within the Twisting Nether?
They completely destroyed demon lore in one fell swoop just because they wanted to add a little bit of weight to the Archimonde encounter saying he’s our Archimonde instead of just some random alternate timeline Archimonde. BRILLIANT

Oh it gets worse. Remember that Mannaroth and Archimonde were actually our Mannaroth and Archimonde, because apparently the Twisting Nether exists outside of the timelines
Surely they’ve removed that nonsense from canon by now?
I dunno if they have or haven’t, but it was a thing as late as the end of Legion. And they haven’t really touched demon lore since, so… I’m kinda thinking they just set it aside and are hoping that we forget all about it.
I mean, even DF had timeline Shenanigans. The bronze had some novice timewalkers send my main back to a starting zone he was never in, which splintered my timeline entirely. Total amateur hour I’ll tell you.
This is the half of that paradox that stayed behind when they tried fixing it.