Timegating dinars 3 weeks was a mistake or theres a massive bug we dont know about

Either blizz had the right idea to incentivize people to clear 3 difficulties of fated nathria to get a dinar, or they dropped the ball.

The only reason I really wanted to finish heroic nathria today, was to get that dinar.

I got it and for better or worse I’m waiting to see if i get a 304 shield in my vault so I don’t screw myself getting that crest of lordaeron I’ve been waiting for for so long.

Now I’m hearing everyone is locked to 10 kill credits a week.

Why? What is getting a normal raid item at week 1 for doing at least 3 of the 4 available raid difficulties gonna do to ruin the game?

Normal gavels are gonna ruin the game? Really? Nerf it in PvP if it’s that bad. Let season 4 be as good as it can be. I would never have tried to do heroic denathrius today if I knew it had no effect on me getting that Dinar.


I have a dinar.

deal with it.

I’ve wanted that crest of Lordaeron ever since I saw it. I knew it would be mine.

Why are you timegating a single lousy piece of normal raid loot for 3 weeks? Pathetic. Relax and stop trying to control the 0.001%.

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It’s probably just to make sure you do all three raids for loot before you spend your allowance. You know to stop people from buying a sanctum piece, then run it, piece drops, now you complain you wasted one of your guaranteed pieces


Stay subbed until dragonflight pls.



This is Blizzard Bad Luck Protection … you can guaranteed purchase whatever you want off a vendor. It’ll just take forever to collect the currency to do so.

BTW it’s 6 weeks of raids to get all 3 dinars.

Three weeks, two weeks, and one week encompasses taking forever to get literally any three weapons/trinkets/special pieces (DK/Priest Anduin rings) of your choosing?

I don’t like most of what Season 4 represents but the Dinar system is an objectively good thing for the game.


I am confused by this statement. Blizzard said up front that it would take 3 weeks to get the coin, so if you have one at the end of week one, it was a bug. From your post, I don’t think you knew about the bug, however, you might not want to get your hopes up about getting a weapon (or whatever) because it is Blizzard’s responsibility to ensure fairness within the game and allowing you to keep something that was achieved through a bug wouldn’t be fair to everyone else.

Wait, I thought it was 3 weeks for the first and one week each after?

I thought it said timegating dinner.


Time gate isn’t the problem. The problem is that I killed 10 bosses and only got credit for 9.

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winar winar chiken dinar?

wth is a dinar


I have a dinar.

Yes all 3 broker vendors are at the vault for me.

Yes I could get gavel, or crest of lordaeron or any tricket i want right now.

My point is, if I knew I had to spend 3 weeks finishing this quest, I wouldn’t have spent 3 hours finishing heroic nathria today because I already have 304 loot in my vault on tuesday morning.

The false hope that everyone could theoretically clear fated nathria on 3 difficulties for a single piece of normal loot kept me motivated.

Why is it so bad to give players who want to commit to 30 boss kills over 3 raid lockouts in a single week one piece of normal raid loot?

i saw someone with a 285 fated gavel and a 285 fated OWS somehow.

very sus.

probably just confirms I am not the only one who got kill credit for all nathria kills and not just 10.

The quest literally said kill 30 raid bosses. I think they updated it to 30 different bosses

Also to clarify I did not do LFR 3 times, I did lfr once, normal once, and heroic once, all full clears.

1 dinar. in my bags. right now.

I full cleared Heroic on Tuesday and then killed 2 Mythic bosses that same night and the quest counter never went about 10/30 for me.

damn. must be quite the dilemma wether to use it or not.

i’d be scared of getting banned somehow as its obviously not working as intended.

the guy i saw probably took the risk :wink:

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I don’t think it is bad at all, however, that is not the system that Blizzard designed. They need people to stay in the game throughout the patch … you know… stay subbed, so they “made it” so that you could only get 10 per week. Well, they made it so that most people could only get 10 per week :wink:

Meanwhile, starting tomorrow, we can all farm unlimited quantities of 298 gear in M+.

I am not scared of getting banned at all.

I did nothing wrong. I literally thought I was doing the quest properly until I finished clearing heroic and my friend said he only had 10/30.

I actually feel like they let me down.

When we didnt finish heroic denathrius yesterday I was seriously bummed out. If I knew I had no chance of getting that dinar this week I would have literally focused on my alts instead doing lfr and making sure they all had the world boss done.

Now I feel lied to. I also feel like they made the wrong call for sure.

If gavel is too strong in pvp just adjust it for pvp.

otherwise whats the problem? It’s a single piece of normal raid loot for intentionally killing 30 raid bosses in 1 week. thats 3 raid lockouts in a week. A piece of normal loot is too much for that effort??

To me, it makes zero sense to gate one type of player, but not the other. But then, I guess the developers do have to show their bosses how popular M+ is this patch in order to get their gold star for doing a good job and what better way to show that then to have tons of players farm 298 gear daily. :rofl: