Time walking exploiters

Said it before and will say it again, I find it funny that people will complain about things like follower dungeons and Delves because they take away from WoW being an MMO and having to play and interact with other players, but will defend the behavior of turning timewalking dungeons into a single player experience and be fine with it.

Honestly the largest problem with their scaling is the fact they kill azjol Nerub so fast but the add waves are like hard coded in. It would be nice to be able to out DPS the mechanics of that fight, instead you go microwave a bagel while you wait for the next add wave.

Annoying, but at least I have a bagel now so I guess it isn’t all bad.


I know we don’t always see eye to eye but on this I agree with you. No one should be 1 shotting anything in a dungeon you Q up for with 4 other people. If I wanted to watch a interactive movie I watch a movie with 3D goggles.

This broken scaling needs to be looked at. Maybe this thread can be moved to bug forums cause it is a bug to 1 shot everything.

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So what about level 80s in normal/heroic TWW dungeons? I’m able to breeze through those as effortlessly as my lvl 11 goes through Timewalking content.

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Are you one shotting bosses trying to cheese a mechanic in those? Level 80s are not 1 shotting anything.

They know the scaling is broken that is why they are doing it. Thats why people exp lock level 11’s.

Nope, just pulling boss to boss and aoe’ing everything down in 5-10 seconds.

The scaling is that way intentionally due to the lack of abilities lower levels have. They are locking the xp to quickly farm tokens.


Thus taking advantage of something to increase speed.

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So that goes back to my original question. What about geared 80s in Normal/Heroic TWW content? I am taking advantage of my gear to increase the speed of those.

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Fixed that for you OP

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Im talking about people abusing a faulty scaling mechanic to play god mode. Level 11’s should not be blasting everything down like a geared 80.

They are blasting things down appropriate for their level.


I will wait for Blizzards response on this. Till then this discussion is a waste of time.

What’s the problem lol. I would have loved some 11s the past two tws. So slow with all 80s.


ouch 5 minutes is a normal ‘good’ team. You didnt have a good twink in your party, i can clear a time walking dungeon in under 1 minute and thats on my shaman as a healer :slight_smile: I zoom ahead and lighting everything before the people even take a step into the first open area. zoom zoom i go boom

my level 10 priest novas the hell out of stuff and my mistweaver spins to wins. Sure warrior its pretty great with WW and lifesteals but theres other classes that are very good too.

Its the only real fun I had since I punched in unlimited air time on my dragon punch with ryu and a game genie

I can only wish they allowed us twinks to run mythic dungeons! that would be AWESOME! hahah

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It’s timewalking people are doing it for curencies not because they enjoy the content. Just deal with it or as others have said make your own groups to run tw.
People using twinks ingame has been happening for nearly 20 yrs , it’s nothing new so get over it and stop worrying about a few runs being easy mode when it could be like it used to be back in the day where it could be a wipe fest.

Two level 11 warriors last night power leveled me and a priest and mage from 60 to 80.

Come to find out they are friends. The fury warrior twink tank was farming for infinite timereaver mount. They didnt get it needless to say when i dinged 80 on my rogue.


It’s literally not geared level 80 content. Holy moly. You want to blast through YOUR content do level 80 geared content bro.


Edit: Level 71’s solo and two hit bosses better than a level 11. These “amazing players” whining about it are so hyperfocused on level 11’s doing a better job than them at scaled back content.

Double edit: These very few glued to this thread shouting from their very smol treetops on their very smol hills, that this scaling business is exploiting or abusing or cheating, aren’t actually here to play the game. They just wanna whine cause they can’t faceroll easy content at their max ability. My goodness, you few are truely exhausting, and loud, and insufferable. Thank god I can perma mute you.


Or how about you people make your own groups since you’re the problem. Why should I and 4 other people have to “deal with it” and be subjected to your playstyle when we never asked for it? Sorry but you people are some of the most selfish and arrogant people in this game that you think you should be allowed to come into a 5 man group activity, turn it into a 1 man movie, then tell others to “deal with it”. Yeah no you don’t get to do that. You want to twink make your own groups instead of trying to hijack the runs of 4 other people. Second you do not speak for me or everyone else like you think you do. I actually enjoy revisiting certain content from time to time. If there’s as many of you as you claim there are who want it quick, advertise for a group.

Get this through your thick head, the issue is NOT the twinks themselves existing. The issue is them exploiting busted mechanics to one shot everything and preventing 4 other people from even getting to participate. I know it’s hard for folks like yourself to understand, but there are people who actually like to play the game they’re paying for and actually get to participate instead of being an NPC in your movie. When I press that queue button I’m signing up for GROUP CONTENT, not to be an NPC in your movie. I like actually getting to cast more than a single spell per fight. I didn’t sign up to be a +4 to get you in the door and be your NPC follower, nor did I sign up to “be carried”.

Now if you want to twink and so on, I have no issues with twinks existing even if I think it’s a waste of a character. What I DO however have an issue with is signing up to do group content, then getting some jackass at the start saying “stay back I’m being paid to carry these guys”. Yeah no if you want to do that stay the heck out of public content and form your own groups instead of trying to hijack my run. What you do in private groups is your business. The moment you step into public content and it begins to effect others like me without my consent and robs me of the ability to play and participate, it then becomes my business and I have every right to call you on it. The more you people speak the more you tell on yourselves about being exploiters.

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Getting mad because you get carried is such weenie behaviour.

“Oh no, they made my easy dungeon even easier”

Grow up.


Take your own advice. If I want to “be carried” I’ll pay someone to do it. Otherwise form your own groups and stop being a tool by hijacking runs from other people and pretending you’re doing them a favor.

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