Time to vote with your wallets

Yep another cat mount post but i dont care.

For all of us that dont have time for a full raid or dont have an active guild anymore its time to just unsub. Blizzard doesnt care for us and they never will. Until now i didnt regret pre ordering dragonflight but blizz has shown us again casuals mean nothing even tho we are the ones keeping the game alive. Another stupid decision by a stupid company


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

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See you in DF!


i secretly wish it happens :wink: too many different ppl around here - no way to make everyone happy.

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I mean legit add cat mount to lfr and keep everyone happy - i cant see normal+ raiders being upset that someone got a mount in lfr.

The only people upset if it was available in lfr would be those selling tokens to pay boosters/carry groups for the mount.


You would rather unsubscribe than try to coordinate doing content with other players in an MMO?

Look. I think the slime cat should be available in LFR; it’s said “any difficulty” for the past several months. They shouldn’t add a caveat less than a week before release. But it isn’t the end of the world. Normal raiding is easy.

No content for open world players in the new season, LFR will have a higher ilevel than ZM now, not allowed to get a mount achieve because “LFR,” even though the achieve says “any difficulty,” won’t extend the XP buff for those who don’t have anything else to do in season 4… no reason to stay subbed if this is how casuals are treated.

We aren’t second class citizens. We aren’t the lowest caste. Stop crapping on us.


Completely agree. Cancelled my sub a couple of hours ago over the news. Haven’t preordered DF yet since my trust in Blizz is in the gutter so at least I don’t have to worry about refunding that. This move shows that regardless of all the lip service they’ve been giving the community about listening to player feed back and “changing philosophies” nothing really has changed. So prove me wrong Blizzard and change the Slime Saber to be achievable in LFR like the in game at this moment achievement states.


I dont get it really 1 random mount being on Normal vs lfr is the the thing alone that will make youu regret DF pre order. The decison is bad but this is too much lol

Not all casual players just run LFR. I run with a group that’s super casual now that runs one night a week with the goal of getting AOTC. It’s about as casual as can be. The majority plays less than 5 or 6 hours a week.

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The slime cat would have revitalized LFR. Instead they’re just interested in selling tokens.


We were never getting overworld content. We only got this as an experiment.

You know this

It looks like for a lot of people it’s the last straw. Pretending it’s the only thing isn’t going to bring back even one player of many for whom this will be a quit moment.

They made their bed. This is unrecoverable.

I think its just the final straw for people. Its been a string of recent issues that players have been living with and reluctantly accepting.

I personally think that it’s unfair to make it excluding LFR because a) the achievement says “any” and b) that slime cat should have won the voting contest if not for all the vote manipulation that seems to have taken place to make the idiot tree mount win. We should all get a fair chance at the cat mount without having to alter our preferred playstyle.


My condolences. What a tragedy.

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How is it so hard to make 1 random normal group that you need to buy a wow token for a boost ? I feel they did wrong by not allowing it to be on lfr but normal is just a tiny step up in how hard

Not really the point. We still got shafted. They could’ve had WQs be Fated every day, upped the cypher levels, etc.

They chose not to.


my wallet gives what the 6 month sub requires. it’s not that much

For the 100th time: this isn’t about the difficulty of the raid itself, it’s about how difficult it is to get into a pug.

I’m PRAYING people won’t be massive jerks about these raids, that they won’t require a heroic ilevel or higher for normal but I don’t have that much faith in this community.


Problem with Cypher levels is the same problem of BFA expedition gear would happen all over again. They could have just said Cypher gear has reduced Ilvl in content outside of the open world but nah Blizzard is Blizzard and says no to casual alts