Time to vote with your wallets

Good, one less complainer.

I figured at the time that the cat mount was so popular a choice that they decided to save it for later when they needed a fancy mount for some promotion or something.

Every poll in this forum is suspect. The results can be easily manipulated to give whatever result they want to blame on players rather than accepting responsibility for the decisions they have made.

It’s not hard at all to get in a Normal pug. There’s going to be a ton of these groups running come Tuesday just for this mount and Achievement.


I just have always made pugs myself in wow and have always found success even with low ilvl people as long as my main team of some tanks and healers are with me. I guess the same cant be applied to everyone who doesnt have the players with them or the desire to raid lead

No you didnt. Overworld was NEVER getting a thing. None of us were. You didnt get shafted, we all got a trial, for fun content.

We’ll see. I hope you’re right.

True but they could have easily added a few more ranks to the cypher system to keep that going a bit longer and keep its ilvl in scale with season 4s.
Wouldn’t have taken that much effort to throw us a bone.

Then they are not keeping the exp buff past the start of season 4 so there is even less stuff to do.

But thats okay because lfr still has the mount.
Thats something to work towards.

No? They took that away from us at the last minute?

Easy to feel like we arent being seen or respected.
There is little reason to remain subbed.


100% they should have scaled the level of cypher gear its too low to even be used as catchup gear for alts/new players etc

create a strawman then judge

I am not a leader and I have never lead these raids.

Why? This season is only giving gear as incentive to participate in the experiment?

This isnt a content patch. Cant stress that enough

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COUGH Mike Ybarra Leader of Blizzard Entertainment COUGH



There is no problem with Cypher gear now, so I fail to understand what you’re talking about.

Literally all other forms of content get ilevel increases. Open world doesn’t. Everyone else has a new season to gain stuff. Open world doesn’t.

Yes. We got screwed.

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If you did start a raid, the same posters who tell everybody to “start your own raid” would immediately switch to their “Look, that casual is not qualified to run a raid but started one! He’s looking for a carry!”


If you can be able to raid lead and possibility use a discord or some form of voice connection you can guarantee even on heroic raid levels you can pretty easily clear raids with only a few wipes. Maybe this doesnt apply to these raid tiers even after all of the nerfs. I myself just have a discord server with rules and some required addons and invite people who i host pugs with and its a overall nice community and experience. Hopefully you can find similar success

No, I do not have a Discord server and I’m not getting one.

Imagine not doing harder content but expecting better rewards, just because others will be.

So do those things. Shaft removed. This was made specifically to experiment with raids and mythics.

There is no experiment for overworld. Holy crap I feel like I’m talking in circles

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“If you’re a raid leader with full heroic experience…” Hello? The people who are disappointed they just publicly got the shaft aren’t in that position.

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Thats how every season works.

And i know its not an actual patch.
Thats why none of the things i said involve stuff like new quests or zones.

It was litterally adding a few more ranks to a system they already introduced.
Much like theyve done with the raids, but much less effort on their part.

Letting a buff last longer.

And sticking to what the achievement says and letting the mount come from lfr.

I fail to see how any of that is new patch material.