Time to take out the Dawnbreaker instance out of any dungeon rotation!

This instance is not finished and is buggy as hell.
• The ships sometimes remain invisible blocking instance completion.
• On the full group death, a reset sometimes wouldn’t happen blocking instance completion and forcing everyone to quit to be able to continue to play.
• Objectives are often unclear and players do not know what to do and where to go.

The Dawnbreaker instance is a shameful work half done and should never have been released to the public, too many issues, and countless deserter debuffs unfairly rewarded (be stuck forever in a buggy instance or eat the 30mn penalty)
Whoever design this crap should be ashamed.
This instance needs to be taken out any instance rotation, normal or heroic, it is just not playable and often uncompletable. It is taxing the players experience and often cost time to the players.


we are still talking about heroic dungeons? which mechanic is unclear and I will try to clarify it


well theres the boss dot on the minimap and a dot for the minibosses. if you go to the dot thats the boss without killing the minibosses he insta kills. also in a random group there is no coordination at all so everyone will fly to wherever and then die to mobs.

Objectives for this dungeon are all over Wow’s third-party websites. Full videos on YT. If players still get lost going from the ship to the town, that’s entirely a player problem. Maybe they should find an easier game to play.

i picked it up instantly and its my favorite dungeon in the expansion…

its too bad its such a pug killer


Ive only ran this instance once and ended up on the bottom deck during the boss fight and couldn’t get out. Ended up dying of course.

And the flying around part of this instance makes me HATE it. I too would love to block it

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what do you do when other ships at 1st boss are not visible ?
If we all die, very often the boss doesn’t reset and nothing happens, no one can release, what do we do if the group is dead and can’t even release ??

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He’s probably talking about how people don’t understand they’re supposed to mount up and fly away during combat when the game places an in-game message in the center of your screen telling you to mount up and fly away during combat.

It confuses people, apparently, according to this forum.


when it lets you mount up to fly, sometimes it doesn’t even let you mount at all. Then you just hope the boss reset will fix it (it doesn’t always and no one can release)

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My first run, we had only one wipe and it’s because the last boss glitched out and remained immune on the ground.

Honestly, I like the dungeon.

It’s short, the thematics/bosses are dope, and I personally didn’t think it was difficult at all.

Just some growing pains with the mechanics, like MoP Deadmines with the last boss and having to swing on the ropes while the boat was on fire, same vibes. Only this time you simply fly away and back over.


They’re truly not visible or you’re just missing it? I’ve had the ship on the left of the Dawnbreaker spawn at a higher altitude so it’s not readily seen from the deck, but it’s still there. I’ve yet to run into the add ships completely invisible.

My only complaint with Dawnbreaker is how long the 2nd boss’ patrol range is.

No, i already completed it a handful of times, but sometimes the 2 other ships at first boss just remain invisible. Your result may vary if the instance bugs or not on you.

You don’t take dungeons out of rotation. That effectively deletes the dungeon. You provide feedback so things can be adjusted if necessary. This dungeon is not that hard once you know what to do, it’s just unintuitive.

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I’ve done it twice. Once queued into the boss on the ship, and once was the full dungeon.

I didn’t notice any bugs, but I just feel like it’s not a dungeon. It’s a scenario maybe. I don’t like flying around in dungeons. The densely packed city area is the worst part of it.

Please keep dungeons a grounded experience going forward. Mechanics should come from combat, and not flying around like you’re questing in the outdoor world.


Violet Hold says hi.

too bad it’s full of bugs that prevent resets or seeing ships.

This is my take. Quite a few of the “Dungeons” this expansion feel like open world scenarios. To me those aren’t dungeons. I miss the days of linear dungeon crawls where you don’t have to guess what obscure skip or route the tank is going to take this dungeon.


thats 90% of the dungeons in this expansion

You don’t have to interact with more than 3-4 packs if you fly to the proper spots. One lieutenant is in the church/cathedral in Mereldar, where that large book sculpture is. One lieutenant is outside a house atop an elevated platform on the edge of town, and the other lieutenant is right outside the Inn in Mereldar. The two lieutenants outside can be landed on directly and all you deal with are their attendants. The one inside the building you pull 2 packs to get to him.

After the lieutenants are dead, there’s a path that goes downhill, and a spot underneath an overpass between two buildings where you can wait. The boss will roam to you eventually, or most likely in M+ that’s a waste of time and the tank will go get the boss.