Time to say goodbye

I’m out, if they didn’t say anything about keeping the server for their game’s most famous expansion active, it’s because they’re most likely going to do the same thing they did with tbc…
Today retail has several dead servers, wotlk has several private servers with thousands of players…
Does the player want to move on and play Cataclysm? Excellent
Does the player want to keep playing wotlk forever?
Leaves at least 1 pvp server and 1 pve server active.
I don’t want to go back to the Blizzard private server, I want to stay playing on the official server, but if you don’t understand the wishes of your players, I can only say goodbye


Can I have your gold g?


Send me your gold, thanks


Blizzcon isn’t over yet. I’m not gonna say keep holding your breath, but I’m also not gonna say it’s time to just jump ship already either

Is there even another Classic panel coming up?

No clue tbh. All that I know extends to the crying I’ve been seeing on the forums, and the one video I watched about the Cata Classic announcement so I could laugh at the guy claiming that no one cheered at it

So rather than play out the rest of wrath and/or wait until wrath is confirmed to be getting deleted, you’re just going to immediately unsub?

Ok. Bye bye.

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There isn’t as far as I know.
And check the forums again. There just a handful of people that have something against Cata. Most people comment pro Cata.
And yes, in the What’s Next Panel, nobody cheered but at what moment would you cheer when they literally didn’t announce anything.

“Father, is it over? At long last, no King Rules forever my son.”
“Tell Blizzard, The Lich King is died, and World if Warcraft died with him.”


Is that your first Blizzcon? They will tell all the informations in interviews with streamers and fansites and not in the panel like they always do.

I mean the last Blizzcon was 4 years ago and 4 years ago there wasn’t anything said beyond what we knew. But sure, if that makes you happy, wait until Aggrand official says “no plans”.

I would only play Wrath Era if it was locked to ICC & Ruby

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If he killed Arthas then its over right? If he’s unhappy now and wants to quit I don’t think he’s missing much. He basically completed the main story.

Unoriginal fanboy name checks out, guild name fits like a glove
Kthxbai you won’t be missed

Goodbye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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Bye felicia.

Tell that to the private server players who been cranking wrath for the last 10 years :rofl:

We will miss all of your rotating alts and your 4 posts.

Sends me your stuffs

Don’t forget to miss the comments of the “WoW Classic: What’s Next Panel” on the official WoW Youtube with the most likes are players desperate to have a wotlk server :rofl:

ENJOY THE SILENT when Cata Classic was announced :rofl: